We All Want A Piece, Existential Poetry, Photography and Digital Art

in hive-114105 •  5 years ago 

We All Want a Piece

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reach my age
glimpse the smudged mirror
marred by the fingertips
of the manic masses
soot and oil, tephra and ash
mimic the material
offer false depth
                 dimensional play
of shadow and light
yet reality lies flat

we all want a piece of the mirage

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the once high-spirited
shiver with apprehension
folds and jowls
                     roll and sway
domestic timespace gravitation waves
blur semblance and sight
nothing was ever solid
good luck holding dear
your desires

we all want a piece of the mirage

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skin marked
deep lines pock
sheaves of faded wheat
the too-tired sigh with relief
the crescent falls
renews the tide

January has come; Spring never again
The Queen dims our shine with her sharp tongue
Grandfather burns us with his cold heart

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And yet ... still ...

                                      we all want a piece


All images and word are my own.
We All Want a Piece was conceived yesterday and published first on the HIVE blockchain. To further explore and support my writing, click on any title below.







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Sigh. True that.

It's that ole programming thing:)

What would we be without programming? Could we even be? Or is the cultural frame so deep it births as individual incarnations?

We are indeed born with a natural programming ... a main frame of sorts ... DNA .. and the there is social programming. For all my bemoaning of egoic programming, I would not like to think what it would mean to start from scratch. You? That is a lot of work. Haha:):):)

I guess I have spent some time trying to figure out who I am before programming. But the concept of identity itself is ego based, isn't it? I think my true essence is (essentially) formless. Perhaps we can choose our programming, our identity -- construct it -- but I don't know that we could have an experience in this world without the ego as vehicle.

I suppose you can think of ego and identity as synonymous. I do not. I choose a working definition for ego ... fear-based thinking. I avoid fear-based thinking and I do not fall to suffering. I see identity as being layered and evolving. Who I am in one moment ... as a person ... is not the same the next, and as such I spend very little time worrying (fear-based thinking) about who I am. What is ever-changing cannot be defined (Taoism); so there is no point in trying to. I exist outside of thinking too ... as a consciousness. The essence of consciousness when free of thinking/narrative also cannot be defined but it most certainly exists. The energy sensed by that consciousness changes too. If we accept not-knowing who or what we are ... remember, we change ... we stop trying to define ... the depth and richness of our experience increases. Accept you do NOT know who you are and experience it better.