It was many years-and-a-half ago today that my daughter was born. Friday, September 13. And ever since then I have held Friday the 13ths in some high regard. Because it is a Friday the 13th, and because it's almost her half-birthday, I baked her almost half a pie (and not a cake, because it isn't her proper birthday)
Alright. I really did bake the pie. Well, I bought the pie at the grocery store, but did put it in the oven. And it was a full pie. We ate most of it. And since she didn't come over today, we finished it off. All in her honour, of course.
When she was young I had bought these really cheap dollar store figures and fairies to decorate her room with. They ended up in a box after she moved out, and was placed in my basement. I was going through some of the boxes not too long ago and rediscovered them. They hold no sentimental value to her at all, and she probably has no desire to have them back, so they'll end up in a box again, but I felt in the meantime they'd make good subjects for lightpainting.
(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe