in hive-114345 •  3 years ago 

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Hello brethren, thank God you are here more especially brothers, this post is for you. It is about how to treat your current and future wives. Below are some biblical method to walk them.

  • Don’t shout at your wife when you are talking. It really hurts her. - Proverbs 15:1
  • Do not speak evil of her to anyone. Your wife will become who you call her. - Gen. 2:19

  • Do not share her love or affection with another woman. It is called Adultery. - Matt. 5:28

  • Never compare your wife to another woman. If the other woman was good for you, God would have given her to you. - 2 Cor. 10:12

  • Be gentle and accommodating. She has sacrificed so much to be with you. It hurts her deeply when you are hash and irritating. Be tender. - Eph. 4:2

  • Hide nothing from her. You are now one and she’s your helpmate. Let there be no secret you are keeping from her. - Gen. 2:25

  • Do not make negative comment about her body. She risked her life and beauty to carry your babies. She is a living soul not just flesh and blood. - Proverbs 18:22

  • Do not let her body determine her worth. Cherish and appreciate her even till old age. - Eph. 5:29

  • Never shout at her in the public and in private. If you have an issue to sort with her, do it in the privacy of your room. - Matt. 1:19

  • Thank and appreciate her for taking good care of you, the kids and the house. It is a great sacrifice she is making. - 1 Thesso. 5:18

  • All women cannot cook the same way; appreciate your wife’s food. It is not easy to cook three meals a day, 365 days a year for several years. - Pro. 31:14

  • Never place your siblings before her. She is your wife. She is one with you. She must come before your family. - Gen. 2:24

  • Invest seriously in her spiritual growth. Buy books, tapes and any material that will edify her & strengthen her walk with God. That’s the best thing you can do for her. - Eph. 5:26

  • Spend time with her to do Bible study and pray. - James 5:16

  • Make time to play with her and enjoy her company. Remember when you are dead, she’s gonna be by your grave but your friends may be too busy to attend your funeral. - Ecc. 9:9

  • Never use money to manipulate or control her. All your money belongs to her. She is a joint heir
    with you of the grace of God.

  • Do not expose her weakness. You will be exposing yourself too.Be a shield around her - Eph. 5:30

  • Honour her parents and be kind to her ssiblings - Song of Solomon 8:2

  • Never cease to tell her how much you love her all the days of her life. Women are never tired of hearing that - Eph. 5:25

  • Grow to be like Jesus. That’s the only way you can be a good and godly husband - Rom. 8:29

Thanks for going through this list I pray God should help us so it can applied in our homes.


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