Blessings dear community @ChristianFellowship, it is nice to be here, the peace of God be with everyone.
And isn't it true that a smile changes everything? Change the face of the person, change the way people react with the person who smiles and change even the tone of the most difficult conversations. It seems that when they smile at people, even the grayest day gets some sun rays. Nothing like crossing with friends full of that contagious joy!
But, there are days when things seem so heavy. It gives the impression that there is a cloud with a strong storm over our heads and that accompanies us wherever we go. At this stage the idea of smiling seems very distant and the verse in Proverbs 17.22 makes perfect sense: "A happy heart is like good medicine, but a broken spirit weakens to the bone." Ah, how the discouragement of the heart seems to dominate the whole body! And how bad it is to live this moment! On the other hand, this discomfort leads us to a deeper search. It is good to be infected by the joy of others, but even better is when it flows from within us: the joy of the Lord is our strength! And in the moment of despondency, it is to Him that we turn our eyes once more, crying out for His joy and strength.
We can rejoice in who God is, what He has done and does for us. The author of the universe is our friend and he is happy to spend time with us and answer our questions. Do you remember the beauty of Psalm 16? Look at the most beautiful: “I will bless the Lord, who advises me; In the dark night my heart teaches me! I always have the Lord before me. With him on my right, I will not be shaken. That is why my heart rejoices and in deep exultation. ; Even my body will rest in peace, because you will not abandon me in the grave, nor will you allow your saint to suffer decomposition. You will make me know the way of life, the full joy of your presence, the eternal pleasure on your right. In this psalm, David reaffirms his confidence in the Lord's direction for his life, even at night; declares that the Lord is always with him. And it closes with a golden key declaring that the Lord reveals to him the way of life and the fullness of joy in his presence. There is fullness of joy in the presence of Jesus! May this truth make you smile!