Steemit and other social media means of spreading the gospel

in hive-114345 •  5 years ago 

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"Go out and preach the gospel to every creature on earth"
These were the word Jesus commanded his disciple and mandated them to go over the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Let's see a perfect example using Paul and Silas the book of Acts of the apostle give us a perfect example of social evangelism Paul and his companion preached the gospel in Antioch, amphipolis, Syria, Rome, Spain and lot more if these great evangelist at old were able to reach out and preach the gospel in multiple cities how about we believer's today we can do more than them, the internet has made things more easier we can take advantage of these opportunity by reaching out to more people by engaging in social media spreading the goodnews to people who don't know much about Jesus.

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Preaching goodnews is one of the necessity every true believer need to engage in, Jesus here on earth lived as a perfect example for us.
Being spiritually minded has nothing to do with technology or digital know how, I believe technology and internet is meant to be a means of reaching out to more people in the world.
Technology is here to boost the wide spread of reaching out to millions and billions of people.
There are lot of social media links and pages where believers can teach and make other to know more about Christ, using the internet can be a good means of evangelism.

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