in hive-114345 •  4 years ago 


Genesis 1:16, “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also.

Destiny is the pre-determined aim behind every action or activity. It can also be defined as the fixed and behind every process. When God creates anything, He has a purpose for it. So, when He made the stars and the sun, He announced their purpose, and that destiny has not failed till today, thousands of years after creation.
God has announced you a star. To Abraham, He decreed that his children will be like stars in the sky; as imposing, as innumerable, and as illuminating as the stars in the sky.

When God pronounced you a star, He had a plan. He could see His finished product; He saw the destiny of you life. That is why; whatever you look today, your destiny is still certain.
When God initiates a project, He must finish it. You were created to shine; you were destined to dominate your world for God. Have faith in God’s ability to perform and that destiny will certainly manifest IJN….AMEN…

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