Egypt - Quick Tour

in hive-114375 •  3 years ago 


The wonders of ancient Egypt have drawn visitors for millennia. Astounding temples and pyramids, legendary pharaohs, and elaborate hieroglyphics comprise its timeless legacy. Join us on this new tour to unravel Egypt’s mysteries at a host of World Heritage sites.


Highlights Include

Cairo and Giza:

Delve into the ancient world by visiting the acclaimed Egyptian Museum, a renowned repository of treasured artifacts, including those of Tutankhamen. Then cross the Nile to visit Memphis, Egypt’s first capital, and the necropolis at Sakkara, home to the step pyramid of Imhotep. Finally, in the afternoon light, gaze in awe upon the astounding Pyramids of Giza and the enigmatic Sphinx.


Aswan and Abu Simbel:

Flying to Abu Simbel, stand before the immense statues of Ramses II and his wife Nefertari, who guard massive rock temples housing incredibly well-preserved murals. You’ll see the Aswan High Dam, considered a marvel of engineering when completed in 1965; tour the Temples of Philae; then board small feluccas to sail past Elephantine Island and the botanical gardens on Kitchener’s Island.

Aswan-Abu Simbel.jpg

Nile River Cruise:

Take in scenes that have been unchanged for centuries during a three-night Nile River cruise. Stop along the way to explore two important temples of the Ptolemaic Kingdom: Kom Ombo, with its double temple dedicated to Sobek and Horus, and Edfu, the largest temple dedicated to Horus, one of the most significant Egyptian deities.



Arrive in ancient Thebes, where vast temple complexes, tombs, and statues represent the pinnacle of early Egyptian architecture and design. Explore the Valley of the Kings, stopping to enter a few of the royal tombs and the stunning Temple of Hatshepsut and see the Colossi of Memnon. Spend time at Karnak, the most magnificent temple complex with a breadth of structures not seen elsewhere, which stretch for more than a mile. You’ll also tour the smaller but lovely Luxor Temple and the Luxor Museum, with its astonishing treasures.


If all that the Ancient Egypt and the Nile Tour focused on was the Pyramids at Giza ... it would still be a GREAT tour as you would be viewing the only remaining structure of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. However there is so much more Journeys! The Pyramids, Temples and Tombs are amazing works that makes you contemplate just how these magnificent structures were built thousands of years ago!

You can watch the Rick Steves Egypt: Yesterday and Today tour in Egypt in the following video

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