Nature & Agriculture photos

in hive-115654 •  7 months ago 
💕Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim💕
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I am Mohua Tumpa. I use the username @muntumpa on. I am from #Bangladesh among you.

Hello Viewers. Hope you doing well with pleasure. I am also feeling good. I have taken some natuaral scene which described below.Today I will share my post on Nature and Agriculture Community.


Here's the open sky covered by some beauty white cloud. Its one of the pleasant way to take a deep breath with fresh air under the open sky.


It also looks amazing when you see flowers tree beside you. Yes, here its Abroma Augustum. Also known as devils cotton, its a dark red flower with height of 3 inch. It used as uterine tonic, disease of uterine and other gyneacological disorder.



In other one you can see paddy land or rice plant acre which is the source of rice to prevent hunger as main course. In this rainy season farmers plant various kind of rice plant depends on demand which helps them for tummy and by selling they can profit money for next production. In one season it takes about three month to grow, after cutting paddy they bring it to house yard and started like a festival called Nabanna.



I have taken these pictures in the field near my house and from the garden. From the back of my house I can see a lot of beautiful scenery. So I thought I'd share with you. Please let me know how my photos turned out. May God bless you all

Well Wishes For All

🏵🏵🏵 Thank's Everyone 🏵🏵🏵
💦Everyone prays for me. Thank you so much for reading my post so patiently💦

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"Woohoo! 🌼👏 What a beautiful post, @muntumpa! Your photos are stunning, and I loved learning about the natural scenes and agriculture in Bangladesh through your eyes. 😊 The Abroma Augustum flowers are especially striking - what a unique and interesting find! 💡 And of course, who can resist a good photo of paddy fields and the excitement of Nabanna? 🎉 Thanks for sharing these wonderful moments with us. If you don't mind me asking, how did you take such great photos on the go? I'm also curious to know more about the different types of rice plants you mentioned. Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! 💬"