Trend following is often the easiest in a matter of both getting started with algo-trading and being profitable. In the previous article, I wrote a trend following strategy and even boosted its performance by using a bigger timeframe for determining the trend. But it was a simple enter-at-once and exit-at-once strategy.
The point of this tutorial is to get you started with a few of Jesse’s features that help you write most of the trend following strategies you’ll find. Few of such features are:
Exiting the trade in two points, one being at a fixed price, another at a dynamic price.
Updating the stop-loss to break-even after exiting half the position.
Filtering trades that have a bad win-to-loss ratio.
Using events to hook into life cycles of a trade.
First I create a new strategy with the make-strategy command:
jesse make-strategy TrendFollowingStrategy
And I edit my file to use this strategy, and I set the timeframe to 4h:
For full deployement checkout source of this article:-