Student & Steem Comment Contest - Back To School

in hive-116583 •  12 days ago  (edited)

Student Comment Contest

Back to school?
How hard is it after a vacation!
School fee or health trouble?
Nasty teacher?

50-100-words comment

Kopie van Rochi's Kitchen(1).jpg


Write a comment about back to school, write an anecdote, add a photo or video and count your words.
You can use as a notepad.

Back To School

• Post in the comment section

Original text written by you
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• Wordcount: 50-100

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed/you use a picture (no Google or istock!)

• All Steemians are welcome!

• Invite someone new, no curators, moderators, and mentors

• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote
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• Hashtags - #student #comment #school

• Deadline: payout of this post


5 Steem

Sponsor prizes @wakeupkitty

#1 | 2.5 Steem
#2 | 1.5 Steem
#3 | 1 Steem

Winners will be announced in the Comment Section

Rochi's Kitchen(1).jpg

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Date: 19.9.2024

CC @disconnect

#student #comment #contest #school #steemexclusive

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After listening the word school I became frightened and happy at the same time. Frightened about what: How will I spend my time between those who don't like me? How will I feel when my friend's seat is empty? Perhaps I act like I don't care while sitting alone but deep inside I actually care.
The same tough routine got up at 5 and reached home at evening or night.

Happiness because of that I get bored by seeing the walls of my room. Using my mobile. And no amusement at all.
My heart wants amusement but I am afraid could I find true friendship this time?

Sitting in the big classroom everyone will be hugging each other after vacations. I am thinking will I be hugged? Will I be excited like others?
The other thing is I am thinking about my health too. You can imagine a person getting up at 5 and reaching home at night? What the student will eat from outside. It will ruin our health. I have thought about it and thinking I will bring lunch with me this time.

Inviting @dexsyluz @genomil @deepak94 to participate.
#student #comment #school

¡Qué interesante punto de vista!

Creo que muchos pueden identificarse con esos sentimientos encontrados: el temor a lo desconocido y la esperanza de encontrar algo nuevo. ¡Estoy seguro! Yo mismo viví esta experiencia en mis tiempos de escolaridad.

La escuela, con todas sus rutinas y desafíos, puede ser un lugar de crecimiento personal y social, pero también de soledad y muchas dudas.

Pensar en cuidar tu salud, llevando tu almuerzo, es una excelente decisión para sentirte mejor en cuerpo y mente.

School activities can be tiring, I believe you. Mine was waking up in the morning to prepare for school and doing after school assignment even when having health challenges. These used to get me angry and sometimes crying whenever I remember these were parts of my school activities.

Exactly ☺️

We alwats take lunch with us and if needed breakfast as well. The hugging after a vacation? No one ever did that with us.
I liked going to school, to study it also was way better than being at home. I had a few great teacher especially history, drawing, music, art not that much, English and German great too. The other students 🤐

@onomzy001 how about sharing a bit about one of your teachers?

  ·  7 days ago (edited)

My teachers are the best in terms of teaching, they always monitor me each time my performance is bad and call me back to order, they always sacrifice their time to bring out the best out of me.

Sometimes I wonder or imagine if I could go back to secondary School now and start from SS1 that is the starting of senior class, because of the chemistry teacher, that teacher always teach us very well, he likes teaching even if the time is not his own and also he love asking questions without you thinking about the answer, if you are not smart enough you will receive a flogging from him.

Some students pray that they school should transfer this chemistry teacher because of each time he enter inside the class he will spend like 3 to 4 hours before coming out, this teacher make alot of students run away from science class because of the way he teaches chemistry.

#student #comment #school

Inviting @m-fdo @sahar78 and @anthony002 to participate

Chemistry is a subject that not every child likes, especially those children who are interested in art, they like a subject like biology more. If every child understands everything well, then that teacher becomes the unwanted teacher of children. This is because chemistry is not every child's favorite subject, it is your luck that your teacher gives you special time. And you, being a good student, understand their words carefully and try to follow them. And they consider every word they say as a beacon for themselves.


Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty


@jiya99.How are you?

You have expressed a wonderful feeling about school in your writing. School life is a reflection of happiness and sadness at the same time. Studying from a student's point of view was very mechanical. Then students preferred to spend their time playing sports rather than studying.


Then I realized that there was never a time of happiness like that time. School life is a life of happiness for us. Today you are living your school life.
I wish you success.

Thank you so much .
Life is beautiful when the people around you are nice and loving we went anywhere in the world no matter it is school college university etc.

You said a very important thing. Life is beautiful and loving only when the people around us are positive, they have the sincerity to build relationships. But one thing I have to say, I have seen this in my real life. There are less good people around us as there are bad people. .We just need to find positive-minded people and build relationships with them.

Indeed, hearing the name of the school makes children both afraid and happy because they are afraid of making new friends and what will happen to them if they do not like them, besides getting up early in the morning and going to school. I don't really like it, but what you have told about the school timings is to go to school from five in the morning to night and back again. This is a new thing. In our country, the school timings used to be from seven in the morning to two in the afternoon. and the children return to their homes in the afternoon.

Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Are you a teacher? I salute teachers because they work hard and effort that they make students as a good citizen.they are like our parents.

My school time was very old but my children's school time is in front of me. And I will share with you the experience of my children. My son who is now 15 years old was very scared on the first day when he was admitted to school. As soon as he reached his father's school, he started resisting going back. When his father brought him back to me, I took him back to school and left him with his teacher and returned home. And he came back home in time for his leave. Slowly his fear that "I will stay away from my mama". He moved away and finally he started making friends at school.

(In this picture my son who is very ittle and thin🙂)

Now it is the case that wherever he goes, he has a crowd of friends. He is a favorite child of his teachers and also in school. This is probably because my son stays away from fighting boys and does not make noise to get his point across. His nature is quite gentle. He gets his point across easily and the teachers also like him a lot. Because he is the smartest child in his class, Masha Allah. Even on the day off, my son likes to go to school. Even though he is in the 10th standard, he tries not to get expelled from school.
At home as he is the only brother of three sisters, he feels more lonely than at school. In school he has very good friends who spend good time with him.

I invite

#school #comment #student #pakistan

Many children seem to find it hard to go to school. With us it is at the age of 2.5 twice or 3 times ler week.

Kindergarten is history for over 30 years so law orders to send them to school at the age of 4! Some children did not turn 4 yet, others are a bit older (it depends on the birthday) but one thing is for sure of their entire childhood till the age of 18 they spend at least 14 years in a building where the state raises them if parents don't keep a close eye.

The lack of playing, self-esteem, setting boundaries, the huge level of stress and depression is noticeable.

I completely agree with you that the child should be sent to school at the age of 4 years. And my children are also over 4 years old when they start school. I teach the beginning classes at home by myself and enroll them beyond Kindergarten. But even so, they are initially afraid of going to school and being away from me. Settle down later.

Aunque fue hace mucho tiempo, todavía recuerdo mis tiempos de escolaridad.

¡Tengo algunos anécdotas que contar!, obviamente, no tengo fotos de eso, porque fue hace muchos años , cuando ni siquiera existían los teléfonos móviles.

Había salido del sexto grado de la escu la básica y comenzaría la etapa del bachillerato. Estaba muy emocionado al respecto porque no sabía que enfrentaría ni a quien conocería.

Recuerdo que ese día almorcé pasta.

¡Era mi plato favorito!, sin embargo, no pude comer todo el plato porque se me hacía tarde.

No obstante, salí corriendo porque quedaba cerca de mi casa, y al entrar, había que buscar en unas listas, pegadas en varias carteleras, mi nombre, y saber en qué salón me tocaba estar.

Encontré pocos amigos conocidos, y muchos nuevos estudiantes que venían de otras escuelas. Hice nuevos amigos, aunque debo admitir que también aparecieron los enemigos 😂🤣 aquellos que andan desafiando a cualquiera que no sea como ellos.

Fue una bonita etapa llena de aventuras, y a pesar de que hubo algunos tragos amargos, fueron muchos más los buenos momentos.

You were never bullied? Or were you a bully?
I wonder how many will admit school is far from great. Toa part kindergarten and primary school were still okay and safe. To other it was the opposite.

@saintkelvin17 @sahar78 how was yiur school time/is your student life?

Fui intimado muchísimo, y eso me llevó a vivir en las sombras, 😂🤣

Sin embargo, rara vez, encontraba una forma de vengarme de lo que me hacían, y era que, antes del recreo, pedía permiso para ir al baño.

Cuando sonaba la campana para el recreo, la mayoría salían corriendo a beber agua. Yo me paraba a unos metros antes, y cuando alguno de ellos pasaba corriendo, les metía el pie para que se cayeran. Ahí no me podían hacer nada, jaja..

Suena como si fueras un matón y te vengaras aunque me pregunto si no fue acción y reacción.

A la edad de la escuela primaria (¿7 años?) me regañaban e intimidaban, no sólo en la escuela. Por aquel entonces se lo conté a mi padre y salió corriendo a decir algo hasta que llegó el momento en que se hartó y me dijo que le diera una paliza a ese niño o me la daría a mí.

Fue una leccion corta y por un tiempo, funciono aunque no era yo y pelear con la gente porque si tu apariencia es una pelea interminable y perdida de energia. Mi plus era que nos mudabamos mucho y cuanto mayor me hacía más fácil era aunque me costaba hacer amigos.

Siempre dejo que mis hijos decidan si les gusta un colegio porque a partir de los 4 años pasan allí 8 horas o más al día. Un profesor dijo una vez l: Todos los alumnos se sienten desgraciados en la escuela.
Dije basta sobre la actitud de los maestros no les importa cómo se sienten los niños. Yo saqué a los míos de la escuela y no fue sólo una vez. Mejor no preguntes lo que tuvimos que enfrentar y aceptar en todas esas diferentes escuelas incluyendo maestros diciendo en un reporte que la fuerte voluntad de mi hijo debe ser quebrada por todos los medios.

Gracias por contestar se agradece y si alguna vez voy por agua me fijaré si no veo que tu pie me hace caer. 🤣

Posdata mejor me llevo mi propia botella de agua

Realmente, no reaccionaba ante los ataques. Era demasiado tímido para hacerlo.

De hecho, no sé cómo fui capaz de hacer algo como eso la primera vez, pero al ver qué, cuando lo hice dio resultados, fue mi mejor arma para evitar seguir siendo el objetivo de algunos.

Obviamente, solo funcionó en la primaria.

En el resto de los años de escuela, solo me agregaba a un gran grupo que, por ser el más pequeño, me defendían.

Fueron días de escuela muy duros, pero a la vez, tengo recuerdos bonitos de aquellos que fueron mis verdaderos amigos.

Siempre será un gran placer compartir contigo ☺️ Hay mucho que aprender de ti.

The students who are shy in their self who are gathering many people in their around. They are self organised and good nature. I think you are same to my expectations.

Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

@oneray sir, How are you?
You expressed a lot of good feelings about your school life. Good and bad are everywhere. Good friends are easily found in school who will make a good relationship with you without interest and some dishonest friends also join, whose activities is to disturb every moment. But if you analyze the judgment, it can be seen that the number of good boys is more. That's why the student life is so sweet. That's why student life is so sweet.

You're absolutely right, and that's the nice part of the story.

thank you very much for leaving a comment.

@oneray, thank you so much sir, Your comments are really encouraging.

The golden age of childhood is unique for everyone. But your time spent in school was very beautiful. This is evident from your post. Actually, when we used to go to school, there were no cameras, so I don't have any pictures of my school time. But as you mentioned about your high school, you got a chance to make new friends and have a good time there, which is admirable.

  ·  6 days ago (edited)

It’s my last year in unversity, and I’m back for about a month now. Suprisingly, coming back after vacation wasn’t hard—I worked during the break, so staying productive was eazy! 😎 No school fee or health troubles for me, thankfully. As for teachers, I get along with all of them, especially since I was top of my class last year! 💯 The final stretch feels exciting, and I’m ready to give it my all.

Backing is just as delightful in university as it is in school; both are vibrant spaces where the art of learning comes to life!

Here are some photos :

  • Photo 1: [University Campus] 🏫


  • Photo 2: [My Classroom]📚


  • Photo 3: [Receiving the Award for Being First in Class] 🏆


Photo Credit: All images are from my personal collection.

Inviting @ujjalmandal @wmsj @surajkumars to participate.

#student #comment #unversity #steemexclusive



curated by @saintkelvin17

Thanks, @steemcurator04! 😊 I hope Team 2 is always happy! 🎉

La escuela para mí,ves ese recinto sagrado del que nunca me he querido alejar. Terminar mi educación primaria fue todo una odisea. Y a pesar de eso enseñé a mis hijos a disfrutar de esos días. Cuando llego el tiempo de seguir y terminar lo hice sin pensarlo Dos veces. Para exigir a mis hijos tuve que darle primero el ejemplo.

Culminé el bachillerato ya adulta y hoy en día, estoy cursando el periodo 2 del trayecto 1 de un PNFE. Así que mi regreso a clase es para enseñar y compartir con esas pequeñas mentes en desarrollo.

Me gustaría invitar a @duetron, @made116 y @evelin611 y nos cuenten algo del regreso a clase.

#student #comment #school

After every long vacation, resumption at school was usually a moment of fun and happiness because I'll get to meet with my friends again. During one of the resumptions after a long vacation, I resumed school but noticed one of my friends wasn't in school. She had no phone neither did I know her house address. How will I contact her to know about her whereabout?

I got to know that one of her neighbours was in our school. I asked her to know about the whereabout of my friend, I was told she changed her school to a boarding school.

And ever since then, I was always worried about the long vacation, thinking that I may lose a friend to another boarding school.

I invite @deelyt @atimisaac and @joan-na

Thank you make for inviting me. Good luck to you.

Thank you for stopping by, it's much appreciated

Thankyou @hive-116583 over this contest.


School stress is another inevitable experience I face when school resumes. I recur how my beloved mom use to pamper me because I'm the only male child. I remember how I'm always served with lunch box with each working day passing by. I wasn't after the school, rather I was after what is inside the lunch box. I was a little bit stubborn both in school and at home. I wouldn't know why I behaved as such at my tender age. But thankfully, my teacher mould me well to become what my parents were yarning for. School life is one memorial thing that can not be easily erased. What I am today is as a result of my commitment and dedication to school. School life is the best.

My invite, @genimil @sahar78

I can totally relate to your experience with school stress! It’s a unique mix of pressure and nostalgia. Your memories of your mom pampering you and those delicious lunch boxes are so sweet. It’s funny how our focus as kids can be more on what’s inside the lunch box than on school itself! It sounds like you had a strong support system with both your mom and your teacher, helping you grow and thrive. It’s amazing how those school years shape who we become. Here’s to cherishing those memories and the lessons learned along the way! School life really is unforgettable

School stress seems to improve worldwide while what is taught is getting worse. How come the new system puts way more pressure than the one of 50-100 years back?
No room to be, no room to play, no chance of a job. 🤔

So the teacher should mould you to become what your parents want???

Absolutely. Thanks for viewing my post.

Hello Steemian friends,

When I remember school, I remember the golden days. School days were wonderful moments. Chatting for hours with schoolmates, quarreling with them about small things, running away from school in groups to play in the playground, looking into the teacher's fiery eyes. Everything. Was wonderful the joy.


I had in my school life was never enjoyed in my whole life. The joyous moments of school life with classmates will never come back. I can still remember. In school life, I used to compete with my friends in reading, but I never let anyone understand my heart. There are many wonderful stories about school in everyone's life. There were also funny stories about my school.
I remember my class teacher made me stand in the sun for 1 hour for my little mistake. After my punishment was over, Maya hugged me with tears in her eyes. That day I forgot all my sorrow, and humiliation. I realized how angry a teaser is. It hurts his heart too. That's why school life is called golden time.

I invite two of my friends to join in this contest @mboma @aston.villa

#student #comment #school

Hey there! I totally relate to your memories of school—those really were the golden days! From chatting for hours with friends to the little adventures we had, it all brings back such joy. I loved your story about standing in the sun and Maya’s sweet support. It’s moments like those that remind us of the real connections we made. School life truly is special, and I cherish those memories too! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for your nice comment. The most fun part of school life is friendship. Friendships with whom are formed during this time are as strong as steel. Relationships with them are not based on greed. They are crazy with love and affection and make friends with each other, which is considered as an invaluable asset in our life. School life is called happy life.

Hi @shahid76,

You’re spot on! School friendships are some of the strongest and most genuine. Those shared moments, both the fun and the tough times, really shape us. What’s your favorite school memory? I’d love to hear it!


He said 100% truthfully, the joy of earning money through his hard work and meeting the needs of his family is different. One can enjoy temporary happiness with the money earned in cheating, but one has to be afraid of his misdeeds all the time. So I will say 100 rupees of honesty is more expensive than lakh rupees of cheating.

I find that punishment sick! I have no other words for it. In the burning sun? If I would have been your mom I would have done the same with the teacher in front of the entire school and village.

If that is the punishment for a little mistake 😡

I had strict teachers too but we were in a class with 45 and learned way more than students today, music lessons and swim class included. If you did something wrong you were placed in the corner and if you said something wrong you had to write a certain sentence down 500 times!

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