My experience as a student in Nigeria

in hive-116583 •  16 days ago  (edited)

School has many important in our life's and also the life's of our children, always send your children to school because they are the leaders of tomorrow and also they are what the future needs.


Never evaluate someone else's or your child's academic achievement based solely on grades. For instance, never use someone who completed school but is unemployed, as this discourages some parents from bringing their kids to school.

Education benefits our kids in many ways. It helps them learn how to read and write, which are important skills that schools go through to instill in us. It also helps them accomplish many other goals Always recognize their efforts and assist them while our kids are at home. We should give their teachers a call and ask them a few questions about our children performance and also ask our children what they learned today at school and whether they have any projects that need to be completed so that you may assist them.

The parents are the main cause of a child's failure in school; if you come across a parent who doesn't give their kids any time at all, not even to help them with their homework, you can be sure that they don't even know if their child is performing well in school.

When I was younger and in nursery school, my parents used to call my teacher to inquire about how I was doing academically and whether or not I asked questions during class every time the instructor was teaching.


I also recall that after receiving a terrible beating from the school administration to my home for placing 10 out of 20, my parents insulted me, punished me severely, and made me attend an after-school lesson from 3 to 6:30 p.m. At the time, I thought the lesson would be a burden, but as time went on, I realized it would teach me a lot and improve my mentality.

To advance in school, you must take your studies very seriously. You should also be cautious about the kind of friends you choose, as there is a saying that goes, "Show me your friend, and I'll tell you who you are." If you choose to be friends with someone who takes their studies seriously, you will see yourself advance, but if you choose to be friends with someone who doesn't enjoy reading, you will see yourself regress and it will have an impact on you when your test results are announced.

Make time for everything you need to do in school; don't spend all of your time on activities that won't benefit your life. Read your books, complete your assignments, attend practical classes, and don't be late for lectures. Some lectures will use you as examples even when the speaker's words don't align with the material.

Always meet the class teacher of your children ask them your child performance, if it demand you to repeat the child that same class do it because it is for the child benefits and also your benefits too.

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Cc. @muhammad-ahmad, @wakeupkitty

Thanks for reading 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Acudo a este post por la mención que me hizo @wakeupkitty, y estoy feliz de estar en una comunidad para estudiantes, pues, aunque soy profesora; mi actitud estudiantil y mis deseos de aprender siempre están a la orden del día.

A lo largo de mi carrera de casi 30 años, aprendí que no basta hablar con los estudiantes sobre contenidos académicos o actitudinales, si ellos no sienten interés por escucharte. En tal sentido, lo primero que debemos hacer es ganarnos el cariño de los jóvenes y también su "admiración". Y esto no se logra a través de la imposición, sino del afecto.

Una vez que el docente logra "ponerse en los zapatos de sus estudiantes" comprenderá mejor sus necesidades y fortalezas, y se abocará a canalizarlas, con el objetivo de fortalecer su educación.

Detesto el castigo verbal y físico. Creo que ambos cultivan el odio y el rechazo hacia las personas. Prefiero utilizar la sutileza verbal y el cariño para fortalecer en los estudiantes su deseo de aprender no solo contenidos académicos, sino también cualquier "saber" que necesite para ser feiz en la vida.

Me encantó leerte, @onomzy001

You are welcome to steem For Students community ma, your points are highly recommended and i support your words which say we needs to win the young people affection.

Teachers fail to put their self in students shoes, they believe a one time teaching can make them understand everything, learning it by steps and about learning you need time and patience to bear with the students when they didn't understand...

Tanto los docentes como los estudiantes debemos tener paciencia para aprender y para enseñar. Esa es la magia de la educación. Un abrazo.

Yes that true ma..

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Is this meant for parents or students? If not specific for student why didn't you talk to the bad behaving teachers? Beating up? Is that what drives teachers to teach?

You could highlught or send an advice to the teacher instead of the parents. I know where I live most teacher can hardly teach and they do not show interest in the child's caoability or highlights its talents. If it comes to teaching most parents took over that job or the child is on it's own.

It would be good if you mention what you described is your personal experience in the country you live.
10 minute talks with a teacher who sets an egg timer are seen as pointless with Dutch parents. You are sent out if those 10 minutes are up and if there are issues you should make an apoiintment to discuss that. As a parent I can say it's a waste of my time to take free of my job and if an apoointment in the evening can be made it's a waste of my time to travel , wait, hear what is a written in a report. The situation is if it comes to me that teachers know I am busy and if I show up there's a huge problem


It turn by turn an on it the bad behaviors of teachers to students ma.

If I read this reply I have no idea what you mean. Try again

Interesting label you have behind your name.. what is it those 3 stars represent?

I say my next post will be about the bad behaviors of teachers because some teachers aren't even teaching the students but they received salary at month end

That sounds like a good topic to write about.

Or start a comment post where people can share their experiences with teachers.

First hashtag student

This is NOT # creativewriting remove the hashtag!

Hashtags to use

student life lifestyle

See your list with hashtags!
