Leave a comment on https://www.mintme.com/token/Dance-and-music/posts/I-like-tokens-Round-388.
Dance and Music token membership holders can leave up to four comments for this event! Here's how it works:
1️⃣ At least one comment must include:
Your membership type: #DCRP #2xDiamond, #Diamond, #Platinum, or #Gold
One of these tokens: #Danceandmusictokens, #Dclubtokens, #DonatelloClubtokens, or #Danceandmusiccommunitytokens
2️⃣ The other three comments should include one of the remaining three tokens from the list above.
🌟 Get creative with your comments, spread the love for tokens, and show your membership pride!
Let’s make this event a token-filled success! 🔥
You can buy the Dance and Music token membership in the token shop at https://www.mintme.com/token/Dance-and-music .