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RANDOM MUSIC CONTEST - Ronda (Round) 4 - Favorite song of... - La canción favorita de...

This contest will be open for 8 days. From Monday, June 14 until Monday, June 21 (1:00 p.m Venezuela Time).

Thank you for sharing your post link!
If you are announcing your new contest by next Saturday then share your link here.
Have a nice weekend!

Why don't you share your contest on and we pin it as an announcement?

I am not very active on Fb cause it doesn't work very properly on My PC but I will try
I have added it for you but you can also add your announcements here.

Gracias @hive-118409 por colocar mi anuncio estare atenta para la proxima vez saludos"

Thank you my friend for sharing your event.
Have a lovely weekend!
I have added it for you but you can also add your announcements here.

Dance contest follow the beat week 7 ”Salsa” // Concurso de baile Sigue el ritmo semana 7 "Salsa"

Thank you so much for the comment!
Remember to add here as a comment your new dance contest post link and the "winners" post link.

Reporte Diario de Usiarios Destacados en Canto, Baile y Ejecución Instrumental.18/06/2021. @mariajruizb

Saludos a todos loa usuarios, los invito a participar en las iniciativas que nos trae Dance and Music. Estaré haciendo este reporte cada día. Motivate y sigue con nosotros en la comunidad más divertida de la plataforma.

Thank you for sharing!

Keep fit and have fun week 70
Click on the link above to participate in this weeks event.