in hive-118409 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Why do we worship
If we worship to bring down the presence of God and there is worship in heaven why is there worship in heaven
#A worship leader is someone who knows how to provoke the power of God to the direction of where he or she needs
1)A worshipper provokes rain from heaven that is divinity to humanity
3 blessings
-All comes from the place of worship.When you worship you change a lot of things like your state of my and even the atmosphere

As a worshipper you most continue to pusholing the divine nature of God
-A worshippers platform is not the stage but above the Devine nature of the world creation
-Do not pray in anger because it mite bring more harm dan good It’s because the Bible says pray with a good heart.
—When you realize worship with a wrong motive brings distrustful atmosphere .
—The reason for worship is not all about the people but to go back to the creator .
—For creation to hear your voice it needs to hear the Devine nature in you that is talking about the giftedness of commanding .


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