The Diary Game | 17 September 2024 | Field Adventures: My Day Observing Corn and Cotton Growth

in hive-118902 •  12 hours ago 
Hello Everyone
I'm AhsanSharif From Pakistan
Greetings you all, hope you all are well and enjoying a happy moment of life with steem. I'm also good Alhamdulillah.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their lives. Today I am presenting to you my diary in which I have visited my crops. Crops that have been grown in recent times. Among them are rice crop, corn crop, and cotton crop, these crops are planted in today's season.

It was afternoon and the weather was quite pleasant because the clouds had come. Because when there are clouds in front of the sun, the heat of the sun does not reach down, due to which a beautiful scene is created. And we have a lot of fun in this season, so on that occasion, I also went out to my crops.

I came first to my corn crop, which was still quite young and growing. But one thing I noticed there is that there is a lot of grass growing in between, which is why they don't grow much. Because the grass that is the original corn plant does not grow. Because the food it gets is eaten by the grass and the little food that is left reaches the corn plant, due to which it does not grow fully.

If we don't remove it in time, it will damage our crops a lot. In this way, we will lose financially because our crop will bear less fruit and because of this fruit, our income will be less. That is why it has to be removed before the time so that it does not damage our crop when it is the turn of the fruit. There are quite a few sprays that we do to our crop to eliminate this. By which only the nasty weeds are eliminated, the rest of our crop is not damaged. We can either use the same spray or we'll cut it in half and dig it up so the grass can't grow back.

The purpose of digging it is to cut the grass and soften the ground, then leave it bare for about a day or from dawn to dusk. Do not give it water etc. so that the grass you have cut is completely dry. Because we already weaken its roots, then when it lies like that for a day, that grass will wither and will not grow again. But if we water immediately to water our crops, then that grass starts to grow again, so that is something we should avoid.

After that, I moved on to the next crop, which was also corn, but it had come before this crop and was almost as tall as me. In no time it will start bearing fruit and its growth is progressing very well.

Some insects harm our crops and some insects that eat our crops. If the fruit is not planted yet, it damages the leaves of the crop. As a sample below I am showing a picture of how they have eaten the leaf. In this way, they eat all the leaves due to which our plant becomes weak. To avoid all these things we should spray them from time to time and fertilize them so that they grow more. The spray should be done so that all the insects are killed and they grow well.

Now it's my turn to move on to my next crop. The next crop is what we call desi cotton. Because it is much softer than other cotton, it is often used to make bedding at home because it is soft and very durable. So it is also taller than a human being, while other cotton is shorter. But this is desi cotton, it grows very tall. I am six feet tall, so it grows taller than me.

Now there are flowers on it in some places, from this flower than a tent is made and from the tent again this cotton is made. All the procedures were going on at the same time, cotton was made in some places, flowers were planted in some places, and tenta was made in some places.

It will take a few more days and then a lot of cotton will bloom here and when we get to it we will see whiteness everywhere. Because the cotton comes out, then we take it off and clean it and then sell it in the market. When it goes to the market, its next procedures are carried out, from which we make our clothes, make our bed and many other things. The crop grows so large and dense that it looks like a forest. In it, we can go hard because it connects and the height is also long.

Water facilities are available in our village as tube wells are installed at various places which provide water for our crops. If we run on electricity for one hour, we have to pay Rs 1500. And there are some days when government water runs which we call canal water. We have government water running here for three days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and these three days are divided among all the surrounding landowners. They plant their crops on their account. After that, if extra people want water, they run their tubewell. The tubewell is on electricity, so when there is electricity, we will run the tubewell and water will reach our crops through it.

Many people in our village also come to bathe in this tube well. Generally, children bathe in water with great enthusiasm. As swimming pools are built in cities, they are big. Similarly, there are these small tubewells in villages and children are happy to bathe in them.

In the evening I attended a farmers' seminar organized by the Tara group. Tara Group is a well-known company in our region that provides its medicines to farmers including spray fertilizers. They have all kinds of sprays, and all kinds of fertilizers, to get rid of weeds, kill insects, make the crop grow, to fatten the fruit that is to be planted in the crop. They also conduct seminars at various places to educate people so that they can improve the crops of the farmers and bring them a good profit.

He told us about different types of drugs and their benefits and how we can improve our crops by using them. As I mentioned earlier various insects eat our crops, so they also told us medicine to avoid them. All these medicines are their own and belong to the Atara group. The purpose of conducting the seminar here is to give relief to the farmer brothers so that our farmers can get good medicine from here at a good price and improve their crops.

The seminar started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and after that, he explained everything in his statement. And after that at the end, they distributed sweets to all the gentlemen farmer brothers who were sitting here including some children. We learned a lot from here on how we can improve our crops, now we can apply them in our lives to improve our crops.

So today I spent the day carefully examining my crop and in the evening I learned how we can now fight the diseases that affect our crops. Thank you all so much for taking the time to stop by. See you in a new post with new content till then I want your permission Allah Hafiz.

Dated: 19-09-2024 About Me
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