in hive-118902 •  4 days ago 

It is another day to participate in the SEC week 4. The role of agriculture to our economy is one that is vital to the survival of mankind. Agriculture is the backbone of any economy and hence depends on other industrial engagement through them.


a. Explain the social and industrial roles of agriculture in your country, sighting one of the main grown crops.

Yam and maize are one major crop planted in my country, Nigeria. Maize has in several ways helped in building the social and industrial activities of the country. There are several cultural and traditional backing to our crops, which still make them relevant for continuity.

The new yam festival that happens every August one festival that everyone lookup to especially by our tradtional stools. The rural communites become the behive of activities during this event as they are the closer to this occasion than the urban areas.

Therefore, sociially, these top crops help bring stronger collaboration to our traditional and cultural belief system. By upholding some of the best traditional agro practices that give us the desored yields both in persistent and commercial farming.

The number of famers who now get involved in maize or yam production are in their numbers, and this, in turn, has helped in providing direct and indirect jobs.

The industrial role of maize is an all-encompassing one with its multi-purpose impacts. It is one crop that plays a major impact on the economy by providing raw materials that help serve other purposes.

Flours, livestock feeds, and other bye products are processed from its use. Maize is one of the main stays of grain demand in the country.

Its consumption and uses help stimulate other economic activities. Proceeds from it could help in developmental projects, attract investors and government intervention towards locality, etc.

b. How has this main grown agriproduct helped in reducing poverty and as well as promoting rural development in your country?

Maize is one of the staple foods here in my country, with uses enough to handle food security. It can be consumed when fresh as a meal if boiled or roasted or used for other meal types when dried. The pap we enjoy a whole meal from it, cheap enough to quench hunger.

This is a food type that helps farmers and street vendors in income generation. The maize is roasted and boiled in commercial use, hence serving as a means of income.

Creates minial jobs amongst the low class. A situation whereby everyone within this chain cycle is rewarded for maize production.

It could also attract clusters in a given area, hence igniting much economic activities that lead to development. The government may, because of their cluster presence, bring speedy development.

c. What are the main challenges facing your country's top crops (e.g., cocoa, palm, maize, wheat, rice, etc.) in terms of economic impact?

Climate change variations have been one major problem of this crop. Shift or delay in planting season is one vital area that reduces crop yield. We can not also remove the inconsistent flooding and droughts problems in our country.

At one time, it is flooding, and at the other moment, we have droughts. This hampers the activity of our crop from doing well. They are water stress from delayed rains or leached from excess rains.

Prevalence of pests and diseases accompanied by climate change. This is a troublesome case for maize with unprecedented pest attack.

Inadequate government funding to promote and aid farmers crop production. Poor funding simply means poor yield. We can not overemphasize this fact but rather draw government attention.

Poor farm equipment and technology know-how. Low or no use of improved seedlings.


d. What current or past government initiatives are boosting agricultural productivity in your country?"

The government at some point has floated a project theme, "Operation Feed the Nation." A concerted effort to drive agricultural activities in every home. This requires that all hamds should be on deck.

We have the "one man one farm" floated recently by the presidency. This is admist the economic issues in the country. To curb the economic hardship and high cost of feeding, the president has chamipioned this project.

There are other anchor borrowers, schemes, and fertilizer subsidy programs designed to support farmers' production.

e. What solutions can enhance agricultural productivity and growth in your country?

Insecurity has become a menance in the country and to the farmers especially. They can no longer go to their farmers safely, and those who went are sometimes slaughtered. There should be a conscerted effort to combact insecurity in farm settlements.

Need for improved seedlings and adoption of other technological advancements. There is low adoption of modern agricultural practices. The use of extension workers should be adequately utilized for this purpose.

The government should step up its support for the agricultural sector and as well create farm gates to help absorb some of the excesses from their farms.

This is my entry... I invite @eveetim, @chilaw, and @chant.

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Welcome to the agro-learning challenge season 20.

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Observations and suggestions:

. Yes! It goes beyond the economy, hence the multifaceted roles we find today. Many of our crops have cultural and traditional roots, which make them more sustainable to date. The yam festival is exemplary, thanks for highlighting.
. You have nicely explained those given tasks as required. We hope to see your quality participation in week 5.
