Living in the Agricultural World

in hive-118902 •  3 days ago 

Hello friend's

Explain what you understand by "seed drill."?


A seed drill is a device used in agriculture that sows seeds for crop by positioning them in the soil and buying them to a specific depth while being dragged by a tractor. This ensures that seed will distribute evenly. Also know direct drill', box drill ', seed drill as used to plant a diverse range of seed most commonly oats, Lucerne, and grasses for pasture renovation (providing qualities feed for animals) on small to medium, mixed or pastoral farm.

From your own understanding, explain why crops are sprayed with pesticides?


However, Much like you take steps in your garden to keep your plants free from pest and disease, farmer utilized what we call crop protection products (herbicide, insecticides, fungicides, etc) to help control the thousands of weed species, harmful insects, and plant can afflict crops. Whether organic or conventional, farmer face these challenges each growing season.

How can cows produce enough milk? What do they need to be fed with to have enough milk.?


The best feed for cows to increase milk production is typically high quality forage and corn silage with the proper proportion of starch availability and digestibility.

Who invented the earliest milking machine and why? State some reason


In 1878, Anna Baldwin patented a milking machine that used a large rubber cup that connect on the cow's udder and to pump lever and bucket. Each cow walking into their milking stall where their radio frequency identification (RFID) tag is read, then they are provided tailored nutrients based on their milk data, health, and body conditioning

I hear by mention @ahmneska @bossj23 @ninapenda.

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