SLC22-W3 / Human Rights (HR)

in hive-118902 •  3 months ago 

Assalam O Alaikum.

Human rights are basic rights that belongs to every person no matters where they lived what they believes or how they looks these rights are meant to ensures dignity freedom and equality for everyones. In this post i wills discuss whether humans rights are respected or violated in my country the legal standing of human rights in relation to the constitutions the role of organizations protecting these rights and somes real-life cases of human rights violations. This is a deep and important topic and i hope my words will shed light on its significance.


Part I:

-.Based on what was explained in class, state in your own words and with explanations whether you believe that human rights are respected or violated in your country.

In my country Pakistan human rights are both respected and violated. On paper we have laws and institutions that ensure the protection of rights like the right to education freedom of speech and equal treatment. However in practice many people face violations. For instance women’s rights are often ignored especially in rural areas where child marriages and domestic violence are common. Similarly freedom of speech can sometimes be restricted particularly when it comes to criticism of powerful groups.

-.Please state, according to the laws of your country, whether Human Rights have the same value as the Constitution of your country, whether they are supra-constitutional, or whether the Constitution prevails over international treaties on Human Rights.

Human Rights and the Constitution
According to the laws of Pakistan human rights are guaranteed by the Constitution. The Constitution is the highest legal authority in the country and it incorporates many fundamental human rights such as the right to life liberty and freedom of expression. International treaties on human rights such as those from the United Nations are also recognized. However the Constitution takes precedence in cases where conflicts arise between local laws and international agreements. This means that while human rights are important they must align with our constitutional framework.


Part II:

-. I mentioned any organisation in your region that has jurisdiction over human rights. In your opinion, how useful it has been and how its operation has influenced respect for human rights in your country.

Regional Human Rights Organization
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is an organizations that works to protected and promotes humans rights in the country. HRCP has been useful in creatings awareness about human rights violations and providing support to victims. For example it has highlighted issues like enforced disappearances and worked for the rights of minorities. However the organization faces challenges such as limited resources and resistance from powerful groups. Despite these obstacles HRCP’s works has influenced respects for humans rights in Pakistan by keeping these issues in the public eye and presuring authorities to take action.

-. Have you or someone close to you been a victim of human rights violations? If so, what was the situation and were you able to assert your rights?

Unfortunately human rights violations are not uncommon in Pakistan. A close friend of mine once faced discrimination at her workplace due to her gender. She was denied a promotion despite being more qualified than her male colleague. While she filed a complaint with the labor rights authority the process was slow and justice was delayed. This experience showed me how systemic issues often make it hard for people to assert their rights even when they have legal protection.


Part III:

case 1: The Woman’s Complaint.

In this case the woman's son was murdered by assailants who stoles her car and the criminals were arrested and sentenced however the woman believes her rights to life has been violated and decides to file a complaints with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. I believes that both the woman and her son’s humans rights were violated. The son’s right to life was taken away through murder and the woman’s right to lived peacefully and securely was affected by this tragedy. However since the criminals were prosecuted and are serving their sentences the state has fulfilled its responsibility to provide justice. While the woman’s complaint could be admitted for review it is unlikely to result in further legal action unless there is evidence of state negligence in protecting her or her son’s rights.

Case 2: Death During a Protest.

In this case a person was beaten to death by police officers during an anti-government protest. The investigation was closed after years without identifying the culprits.

I believes the human rights of both the victim and their family were violated the victims rights to life was brutally taken and the familys right to justices and closures was denied due to the authorities failure to properly investigate and hold the perpetrators accountable. This case demonstrates a clear abuse of power by the police and negligence by the judicial system. The family should have the right to seek justice in international human rights forums if local mechanisms fail to deliver.

Human rights are the foundation of a fair and just society but ensuring their respect is a continuous struggle. In Pakistan while we have laws and organizations dedicated to human rights violations still occur due to systemic issues and lack of enforcement. The cases discussed highlight the importance of accountability and justice in upholding human rights. It is our duty as citizens to demand better systems support victims and work towards a society where everyone’s rights are respected and protected.

I am inviting friends @wuddi @nirob1613 @jannat12

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Hola @usu

Gracias por participar en el curso de Derecho SLC22-W3 / Derechos Humanos (DDHH).

Tarea parte I: Usted ha contestado todas las preguntas planteadas de manera sincera y en base a la terrible realidad de su país.

Tarea parte II: Es bueno que exista en su país una comisión que se encargue de defender los Derechos Humanos aunque tenga tantas limitaciones.

Tarea parte III: En el primer caso práctico no existe violación de los Derechos humanos ya que solo el estado es quien viola estos derechos.
En el segundo caso práctico usted ha contestado correctamente y ha hecho una explicación muy buena.


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Le invitamos a seguir creando contenido de calidad, así como apoyar e interactuar con otros... Agradecemos su dedicación y participación.

Te esperamos en la próxima clase!!

Hola amiga que lamentable lo de tu amiga, que por el simple hecho de no ser de su género le negaron el ascenso, siendo buena empleada, me imagino su frustración. Eso se ve tanto en instituciones públicos, como en lugares privados, y donde tu menos esperas siempre existe la malicia de la parcialidad, por más que hagas el esfuerzo. Bueno lo que queda es dejar que la justicia divina se encargue, esa es la mejor. Bendiciones

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Human rights matter more than ever, and your post is a beacon of hope for many.