Success and failure are two sides of life. Sometimes, we reach the peak of success, and sometimes, we fall into the pit of failure. Both these experiences are part of our lives, but the real thing is how we handle these two experiences.
When success comes, many people are filled with confidence. But never let success sit on your head. If the pride of success takes up too much space in the mind, it can become arrogance. Then people forget that more work is needed to maintain success. If success controls us, then we will not be able to handle the challenges ahead properly.
Again, when failure comes, many people break down. But failure is not a permanent thing. It is an experience from which we can learn. Failure teaches us where we were wrong and how to fix them. If we allow failure to take place in our mminds then we lose faith in ourselves. Therefore, failure should be accepted as a step in life.
Both success and failure in life are temporary. Take them easily. Success is actually being humble and trying to do better. And when you fail, don't get discouraged and start over.
The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Life never stops. More important than success or failure is our mental stability and the will to move forward. Remember, there is something to learn in every moment of life.