A crypto wallet app named (Free wallet) attempts to capitalize on the hype pump Elon has around Dogecoin and we'll it backfires after it was called out online in a tweet from Elon Musk.
It's not rochet science trolls are everywhere and all of them would wish to capitalize on everything they can get their hands on.
Source: https://bit.ly/2Z7pyQM
From my personal opinion a shout out to this wallet will not stop them from growing but actually gain them much more publicity as there is no way to hide it once moment has been established. Elon replies...
In this case Elon thinks that he is under control but quite the contrary. I bet after this week's tweet more then a third of his followers went to check out this app wallet.
What do you think of this leave me a comment let's talk about this...
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Read more on this topic: https://bit.ly/2Z7pyQM