Ammon Hillman still believes in the Holocaust. Like an idiot.

in hive-119463 •  last month 

A.H was not a tyrant.
A.H was not a christian.
A.H identified as a Heathen behind the publics back.
A.H did not do anything you think he did and he was not the bad guy.
A.H and Germany was assaulted and slaughtered by the tyrants. America, the U.K and their allies.

You have not done the study, so 'get out of the kitchen'

You do not speak on A.H, until you've done the study. And if you think you HAVE done the study, you learned from the wrong sources. It's the same as the scholars that you say have studied the wrong sources and have not done the study on the Ancient Greek. You don't know a thing about WW2. So shut up, NERD! Shut your stinking piehole!

And I'll be the one punching you right in your face, like you talked about punching someone for some reason. His name started with C. I'll be smacking you like a b---- if you want to fight me on it. I will destroy you, verbally, mentally, spiritually and physically on the A.H issue. You have no idea what you're quoting about him, what you're referencing about him, or what you're talking about, about him. At all. You're clueless about A.H and that whole WW2 thing. Clueless. Utterly clueless. You make yourself look foolish and it's hard to take you seriously on anything else, while you're still a H word believer. You speak about A.H out of ignorance, which shows your stupidity. Come find me if you have a problem about it. 48 Peel Street Mackay QLD Australia. Unit 3. Come find me. Come find me. And if you get too close to me, I will punch first. Make no mistake.


Hail Satan. I mean Hail Wotan. Wodanaz. Satanas, Wodanaz. Odin. Wodan. Wotan. 'Satan' who is Wotan/Odin.


If a fool likes to talk, let him talk. Then you can find out how foolish, he really is.


Wodanaz: Thy foolish man still believeth the Holocaust took place? Woe upon thee.

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