Satanism, christianity, Alt Right and Pepe the frog, are all CIA Operations. Aryan Spiritualism is NOT christian. Aryan jesus is nonsense.

in hive-119463 •  last year  (edited)


Watch this. All the Satanic Panic stuff and the other nonsense, was planned operations by the CIA. The TRIBE created Satanism. So, like I've said in the past, Paganism or "Heathenry" The Ancients, Aryan Spiritualism, is the true path.

Satanism was and is a distraction that I almost fell into I'm not gonna lie. Until I learned all this about Odin and Edom and how Odin was turned into the devil and Freya turned into a demon witch by christians and this and that and the other thing and all this. You see.

The bloody truth of Aryan Spiritualism, was covered up and hidden, with things like burning the Library of Alexandria, burning of the Groves all sorts of things that no one has any idea in the world about and have been lied about by christian scholars. For example fertility cults. We are told those were sex cults. Sex had nothing to do with it. Farmers would leave offerings for FERTILITY. Fertile lands, for a rich yield from the crops. They prayed they left offerings to Goddesses like Freya for "wealth" which isn't limited to money. For fertility the Goddess of Fertility Freya and she isn't the only one of course.

All of this was hidden, covered up and lied about by none other than the GOY who is a puppet of the jew. Goy being christians, who accept their label of Gentile so they ARE the goyim. If they accept jews label of Gentile, jews believe they are the goyim too. They believe we are ALL goyim but I don't accept their determination of being a Gentile or goyim.

And Pagan is no better. Pagan is a word THEY gave to us. We ARE NOT Pagans because THEY put that label on us. I will not accept 'their' label.
I am an Ancient. It is called Ancient, Aryan, Spiritualism.
I am an Aryan, which is a word you can use to replace pagan because that's what it is.

Aryan is not only about Germans or Hitlers race. Aryan is anyone that is not a religious jew or a christian.
It's the Aryan...spirit. It's not about your 'race'
It's Pagan/Aryan/Ancient/Heathen.
All the same thing Aryan is the SPIRIT you have.

Unless you've accepted the holy spirit the PARASITE spirit, which casts that Aryan spirit from your body and replaces it with that "holy" spirit. And your mind is seared with a hot iron. And it's damn near impossible to escape.

Adolf Hitler once said "You cannot make an Aryan out of jesus. That's nonsense"

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