If you want more complicated DragonBall, you need to stop avoiding SDBH, and watch SDBH. The Xenoverse game story also, which was created by Toriyama and he supervised its production with Shueisha, is also a much more complex DragonBall story that continues as a sequel from DBO, Toriyamas official continuation of his DB manga story. With no GT in sight. GT doesn't happen in that continuation. SS4s don't exist in that continuation.
DBZ Time Patroller Future Trunks sending energy to the DBS Future Trunks in Xenoverse 2.
DBZ Time Patroller Future Trunks and DBS Future Trunks of SDBH.
DBZ Future Trunks who was CAPTURED by the Supreme Kai of Time AFTER he defeated Dabura and AFTER the Supreme Kai of Time, DIED in his timeline! And at the time, a Lord Beerus or a Whis DID, NOT, EXIST, at the time this happened in DBO history. Lord Beerus did not 'die' because Shin was killed. No. Lord Beerus in DBO, DOES, NOT, EXIST. Nor in the DBZ Future Trunks timeline. Which IS the Future Trunks timeline of the DBO timeline. The DBO timeline IS the DBZ manga/anime timeline and the DBZ manga and anime exist together in ONE DIMENSION, directly tied into continuity. SO SAID TORIYAMA. So argue with his GHOST I GUESS! I was right, all, along, Chuck. Seth the Programmer. IIIII was right ALL! ALONG! Xenoverse IS CANON to DBZ because Xenoverse is the SEQUEL TO DBO!!! Get it dickheads!?
DBS Future Trunks.
So GT does not happen in the DBO story/continuity/timeline. However it does make GT an alternate timeline to DBZ in Xenoverse, which technically turns GT into a Toriyama Canon timeline. It's just not in the main story timeline and has no interaction with his original story DB DBZ timeline. See it's getting complex already, and that's nothing. Time Patroller Trunks tells us why that timeline exists. So this is basically Toriyama explaining to us through Trunks what the 'side story' of GT is. That timeline came into being because of Trunks time travel in DBZ. He made that alternate timeline appear. But then it gets a bit strange and plot twisty when the Supreme Kai of Time learns that...alternate timelines are not being created by the unauthorized methods of time travel. They were always there, and they only come into the Supreme Kai of Times awareness when people 'break the laws of time travel' So there's a bunch of timelines out there that she has no idea about, that Towa probably knows more about than Chronoa.
DBS Future Trunks and DBZ Future Trunks, are not the same Future Trunks. Xenoverse and the SDBH anime, which are not tied into continuity with each other either they're separate things too, they both show us DBZ Future Trunks and DBS Future Trunks, are two different characters.
(This is DBO Generations, not the original that was shut down. They didn't look like...Roblox)
And not to mention, Mira and...Towa, are Toriyama characters, created in DBO. Demigra? I uhh, I forget if he is too or not. So we have Toriyama to thank, for Towa and Mira. Especially Towa, like come on let's be real here. There is...SO MUCH more interesting stuff outside of the main anime stories, that Toriyama has created himself.
And let me put a stop to this right here about SDBH.
Cumber was stronger when he fought Vegito Blue than he was after the Golden Great Ape form was stopped.
Fu weakened Cumber when he drained Cumber of a bunch of his energy with his purple energy slash.
(A gif for this attack literally doesn't exist. Not on Google Images anyway)
The Cumber fighting with SSG Kakarot after that, is weaker than the Cumber that was fighting Vegito Blue. That's why SSSG Kakarot is fighting like this against Cumber. Cumber is now weaker. He's not getting stronger during the entire fight. He got weakened. Do you really think SSG Kakarot here rivals the former Vegito Blue? No you don't. No one did in the Black Arc. And no one thinks SSG Kakarot rivals Gogeta Blue after their fusion is done. Cumber was weakened, by Fu.
Destroying moons doesn't end a Saiyans Great Ape form. Ever. Vegeta VS Gohan. ONCE IT HAS HAPPENED, GETTING RID OF THE MOON DOESN'T MATTER! IT'S TOO LATE!
Turles VS Gohan. SAME. THING. He destroyed the artificial moon, to make sure HEEEE does not transform by accident! But Gohan didn't change back.
Why did Cumber change back? It was only AFTER FU ATTACKED HIM! He didn't 'beat Cumber up' he didn't even cut Cumber. At all. He drained energy from Cumber, with that sword. He has energy draining abilities, y'know. And Fu powered Cumber up with his energy, just like Turles and Bojack and Dr Wheelo and Super 17 and Cooler, IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! He took energy that he gave to Cumber. Duh!
The SS3 Cumber fighting Xeno Vegito SS4 after that, is still weaker than the Cumber that fought Vegito Blue.
So, this Cumber
is stronger than SS3 Cumber.
That fixes all of the problems everyone has about Cumber and characters after that like Golden Meta Cooler.
By the way I was telling everyone that is SS3 Cumber right from the start, but noooo. Everyone tried to tell me he's only SS1. No he was SS3, the whole time.
Jiren was winning against Cumber until Cumber goes SS3. Which makes sense. That is the weakened Cumber after Fu' purple energy slash, which was not a physical attack. It drained some of Cumbers energy that Foo gave to him in the first place.
So Jiren is weaker than Xeno Vegito SS4 by a large margin. He's only fighting NORMAL CUMBER. NORMAL!!! So you could do your nerd math and say OH well then Jiren is thousands of times weaker than Xeno Vegito SS4. HUH!?
Cumber goes SS3 and he's easily beating Jiren, meanwhile Xeno Vegito SS4 overpowered SS3 Cumber.
(Literally no gif exists nor even a single picture of them attacking each other from the anime on Google Images so, thankz again Dragonball Community, for your failure. Cumber starts easily winning the fight. Putting a large gap between this Jiren, without his Full Power form, and the Xeno Vegito SS4 that was stronger than SS3 Cumber)
See? It all makes sense doesn't it. Vegito Blue was on par with Xeno Vegito SS4 just like Kakarot Blue was on par with SS4 Xeno Kakarot in episode 1. So both fusions are stronger than Jiren, by a lot, by more than a lot, so the Jiren fight with Cumber makes more sense when you know that. Even if Jiren went Full Power, he would still pale in comparison to the fusions.
MUI Kakarot fought Normal Cumber, after Xeno Vegito SS4 weakened SS3 Cumber and sent him back to Normal Form. Not Base Form. Normal Form. Just like I refuse to say Zenkai, because it means 'Complete Recovery' not a power increase ahhahahahahaha! I refuse to say Base Form. Deal with it. Fucking nerds.
MUI Kakarot VS Cumber, was weaker than both Fusions. He only looked so impressive, because he was fighting Normal Cumber, not SS3 Cumber. The fight would have...ha, MUI Kakarot would have LOST if it was SS3 Cumber. LOST! Fucking LOST! He is weaker than both Fusions, and Xeno Vegito SS4 won but it wasn't easy. Technically they lost the 'fight' because the fusion ended and Cumber survived. He did not wait a while and recover his stamina to get stronger. He survived a 'strongest blast clash' That would be like saying Vegeta was stronger after losing his blast battle with Kakarot in the Saiyan Saga. Or after being hit by the Spirit Bomb in the Saiyan Saga. We all know that's not true. And it's the same thing here. Cumber is weakened, that's why MUI can defeat him, espeicially being limited to his Normal Form now. He can't even go SS1. So he's certainly not STRONGER THAN HIS SS3 in 'Normal Form' here. He simply can't go SS3 or even SS1 anymore. So Xeno Vegito weakened SS3 Cumber and sent him back to Normal Form. Like Android 18 sent Vegeta back to Normal Form. Like 17 sent Trunks back to Normal Form.
This is like...Frieza surviving the Spirit Bomb. Cumber did not 'GET STRONGER' after losing that blast battle. He's just survived and continuing to fight. Which he would have beaten ALL 4 of the others down if Kakarot did not luckily miraculously 'plot' use MUI. Which is one of his powers is, the plot. That is a power of his. Like in Saint Seiya, Seiya has plot for him to gain amps from absorbing Cosmo from his friends and the power of their Hope. Hope energy. Plot is technically a 'power' some characters have. Which blurs the line between plot and simply power.
Same thing for later when SS3 Cumber has a draw with Golden Meta Cooler/kinda loses but it's practically a draw. So all of the forum complaints about 'Golden meta Cooler > Vegito Blue? Are pointless complaints. They don't know what's going on. That SS3 Cumber is still weaker than the Cumber that fought Vegito Blue Kaioken way back at episode 2 and 3.
Cumber only gets powered back up later. So that's nipped in the bud right there. All of the whiners are wrong. All of the forums are wrong. And Xeno Kakarot is not GT Kakarot. He fights GT Kakarot in the GT timeline before Prison Planet, as Gogeta VS Dark Gogeta 'Fin Absorbed Gogeta'
Alllll of this stuff, is SO much better than Super.
Hahaha oh yeah yeah I'll add this too about Geekdom and SDBH ties in to this. Think about it. No no think about it. Who's the ones telling us SDBH is trash while it was releasing? Oh it's MasakoX. 'I AM DONE WITH SDBH'
It's Totally Not Mark.
It's Geekdom101.
Those other two are not a far cry from Geekdom101, just saiyan. They...even Geekdom101, they do not have a solid GRASP of the out of anime lore that SDBH builds upon and is the foundation for. TNM did not even know who Towa is. Nuff said.
If you like MasakoX, Totally Not Mark, Geekdom101, Seth the Programmer, Chuck, MadDBZ, Kanji Needs Coffee or TFS Team Four Star, you are worthless.
You have shit taste. You listen to shit people giving their shit opinions. Get out of the Dragonball Community.
You are a disgrace. You embarrass people like me. You are UNWORTHY of watching Dragonball anything!
You are not welcome among us.
Get, out!
Ciao. Nnnhnhnhnhnhnnnnn