in hive-119463 •  11 months ago  (edited)

Profile photo for Taiga B.
Taiga B.
· Fri
SDBH is still corporatized slop to its detractors. Daima possibly being shit will not suddenly make your preferred series better received in the court of public opinion.

Profile photo for Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
· 22h
What? Dood I don’t care about your opinion I’ll laugh my ass off at you all day. O yes its detractors. Idiots like Totally Not Mark and Masako X yeah those bozos. What a top class of detractors you got there on your side. Dweebz like them. Or Chuck the cyber cuck yeah another top quality detractor. Yeah wow their opinion just makes it gospel truth huh. Ya damn sheep. Keep eating up the jewtubers horrible takes. Hey hey, I’ve got like 5 videos for ya. That show you exactly what I think, of TNM and Masako gayboi.

Calling Out SDBH Haterz! Kanji Needs Coffee Masako X TNM etc. SDBH is SUPERB! Sick of these people
All DBZ Movies DONT Happen In The Same Timeline or GT Timeline. Toriyamas XENOVERSE Says So
XENOVERSE IS CANON! CHUCK IS WRONG! So is Masako X! Watch to see why!
If you are as tired of Chuck the cyber cuck as I am, and tired of Masako X and Totally Not Mark and other people like them with their bad opinions and bad TASTE and bad information, you'll like this.
No just like Saiyan Scholar says GT is good and TNM says GT is bad and he thinks GT is bad based on so many false assertions and not knowing the lore at all, or knowing what the hell is going on…at all, like a normie. I’m right about SDBH and TNM is wrong about SDBH for many of the same reasons.

This is GT hate all over again. It’s all the same. You don’t like SDBH. Don’t talk to me, normie. You shut your stupid mouth and don’t presume to tell me anything about DragonBall again.

Profile photo for Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
· 20h
Corporatized slop huh is that what you call it? Oh yeah you’re the type that says “They just made the anime to sell more games and toys. It’s just a promotional anime” Did you miss the point of my post? I don’t like anything with DragonBall slapped on it. I don’t like Daima. I like SDBH. The message is very clear.

Do you know why they made the DBZ anime? Huh? Well? As a promotional tool, to sell more manga. Where’s your accusation about SDBH now? The SDBH manga writer, adapted the games first with DBH starting from Dark Demon Realm Saga. TOEI adapted his manga into an anime. They’re allowed to do that. There’s nothing wrong with doing that and it’s not corporatized greed or corporatized slop.

Profile photo for Taiga B.
Taiga B.
· 18h
Oh, hey! You responded on your main! Cool.

Corporatized slop huh is that what you call it?

Yes. It’s content slapped together by a corporation to get people to eat up absentmindedly. It is what it is.

Oh yeah you’re the type that says “They just made the anime to sell more games and toys. It’s just a promotional anime”

Yes. That’s literally what it is. Bar for bar. On a foundational level, that’s what SDBH is. Its existence is to direct eyes towards the game

Did you miss the point of my post? I don’t like anything with DragonBall slapped on it. I don’t like Daima. I like SDBH. The message is very clear.

Which got announced how long after those statements were made? This is why your post is silly. You’re disproving statements that were probably made long before Daima was even announced.

They ain’t even remembering you for that long.

Do you know why they made the DBZ anime? Huh? Well? As a promotional tool, to sell more manga. Where’s your accusation about SDBH now?

SDBH’s existence hinges on commercialization. Its entire conceit is a bunch of recognizable shit being shoved on the screen, like tossing in SSJ4 Z Broly.

It lives and dies through fanservice.

None of these are statements about whether it’s good or bad. You could even apply it to Daima, which nobody actually knows the quality of since it isn’t out, which is a major part of why your post is silly.

The SDBH manga writer, adapted the games first with DBH starting from Dark Demon Realm Saga. TOEI adapted his manga into an anime. They’re allowed to do that. There’s nothing wrong with doing that

Correct. This still doesn’t de-slopify it.

I’ve been immersed in the franchise since before the post-BoG renaissance.

We’re still getting recolors as if they’re new levels of power ascension.

We’re still getting stuff from GT tossed in.

We’re still getting rehashed character arcs.

and it’s not corporatized greed or corporatized slop.

It’s absolutely corporatized. I’d argue the same for most of the series since it came back into the zeitgeist.

Pick and choose which part of the trough you’re at, just don’t deny its existence as a trough.

Profile photo for Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
· 15h
Let’s see if it gets deleted again.

Don’t you presume to tell me about DragonBall. You’re just another uninformed fake fan, that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Absent minded? AhhHHAHA HA HA HA HA!


How embarrassing. You can’t resist showing us what an amateur you are.

Everything to do with the anime is directly following as a sequel after the Dark King MechiKabura Saga in Yoshitaka Nagayamas DBH manga, as an anime adaptation of that, which is just as different to his manga as DBS anime is to the DBS manga. He already had SS4 in the DBH mangas, it’s not GT Vegeta or Kakarot at all, and no DBS characters existed whatsoever except for a SSG form for Xeno Trunks right at the very end of DBH VS MechiKabura which he achieved by accident.


Nope it’s really not made just for selling more toys and games. They follow Yoshitaka Nagayamas plot and he adapted his manga from the games. They’re making an anime of the manga, like they do with everything else. Because they want to. They get a bonus out of that, like the DBZ manga gets promoted and gets more sales by making the DBZ anime. So TOEI only made the DBZ anime to sell more anything else too right more toys more games more manga. So the same logic applies, so you have to call the DBZ anime “just corporate slop” if you call SDBH such things.

So it’s not TOEI throwing characters in “randomly” it’s not random. It was Yoshitaka doing that, which wasn’t random it comes from his DBH manga entire plotline before SDBH involving TIME, TRAVEL, which TOEI adapted SDBH into anime from and changed some things. You think the characters are random, because you don’t know how they can be there or why they’re that strong. Because you’re a normie and all of your next statements show what a normie I mean amateur you are. You don’t sound as smart as you think you do, and I LAUGH as I read all the ridiculous statements you made, that I will thoroughly destroy.



It doesn’t matter how long ago they made those statements.

They said I like ANYTHING with DragonBall slapped on it. So they were wrong. So I was right all along. That’s all that matters.

SS4 Broly, was already there, in the DBH manga. That’s why I said you people don’t know what you’re talking about. Cuz ya don’t. Dark Empire Saga.

Broly was already brought there in Yoshitakas DBH manga, using time travel, parallel world travel, and captured, and they put a mask on him. And he broke free anyway cuz he’s “too strong” to control.

That’s WHY, Demigra and TOWA, are TALKING ABOUT BROLY, as if they didn’t know where he escaped to after “that time” that TIME being Dark Empire Saga, where he knocked Demon Goddess Towa out with one attack and Mira absorbed her to become Super Mira, to take on Broly and SS4 Xeno Kakarot in a triple threat fight. Broly got away after the huge blast clash and Super Mira was the only one standing, and defused from Towa which is a thing he can apparently do, that Xenoverse doesn’t show you he can do. They brought Broly BACK, because he wasn’t DEAD in Yoshitaka Nagayamas DBH manga. So YOSHITAKA brought him back, and TOEI animated it.

Ohhhh OHHHH you had no idea who you were talking to did ya? DID YA!?

You’re just one of those anti TOEI people. Here’s a hint. I’m on Akio Iyukos side. Yeah. Yeah. The DRAGON CHIEF. I’m glad he left Toriyama and has made Capsule Corporation Tokyo. And wants to claim the rights to the DBS anime and leave the manga and other things like games up to Shueisha and TOEI. If you want MORO in anime form, Toriyama has no intention on ever doing that. Never. Yeah never. You people always say ThE MaNGa iS BeTtER anyway so just go back to your little library community dweeb.

O and, more re-colours as if they’re new forms? In SDBH? What?….what?

There has been NO, NEW, FORM, in SDBH. AT ALL. NONE. ZERO. Gogeta Blue Evolution is not a new form. That form already existed but he hadn’t used it yet. Kakarot Universe Blue isn’t a form, that’s like calling Spirit Bomb Kakarot on Movie 7 a new form.

The only new forms, aren’t even new. SS4 Broly isn’t new that’s DBH. Demon Goddess Towa isn’t new that’s DBH. Fu is a new character, of course he transforms. Same for Hearts and OH those aren’t re-colours but you’re only talking about the SAIYANS because DragonBall to you is really SaiyanBall isn’t it? Hey hey, DBS Ultimate Gohan fought Dr Wheelo who fought two SS4s without his suit. Uhhh 17 and Piccolo used teamwork to do a fantastic job against the strongest enemy so far in Kaminoren. Showing that Piccolo could have technically killed Vegeta Blue Evolution with that Special Beam Cannon, if VBE is relative at all to Kaminoren. He did beat Kaminoren pretty badly so I’m guessing maybe Piccolo could put a hole in VBE with that same SPECIAL BEAM CANNON. Seems SDBH did more justice for Piccolo 17 and even GOHAN than DBS ever did. Huh. How bout that. But y’know it’s just slop so whatever who cares right.

You’ve been immersed since before the post-BOG renaissance? O REALLY!? I was playing DBO before BoG existed. I’m 35. I never stopped playing the games. I never stopped looking at fan work like DragonBall Multiverse on JEWtube. Or video games being made into stories from Raging Blast 2 gameplay or Tenkaichi 3. Or Burst Limit, Budokai 3, mixtures of them. I saw the fan made movie where Broly is revived and Vegeta and Kakarot both go SS3 to defeat him set in the Hirudegarn battle area.

Again no, it’s not all based on corporative greed and slapping familiar characters in our faces. It’s the opposite of that. TOEI is making into anime form, what YOSHITAKA made in his manga. AHH SEE you can’t justify the fact the DBZ anime was only made to promote the manga and sell more manga. It’s the same damn thing so your excuse about SDBH is meaningless. You lose.

YOSHITAKA gave us something BETTER than DBS. With the DBH manga which sadly isn’t an anime. And with SDBH, TOEI is adapting his MANGA, with their alterations. And from the very start of his manga, it’s been about old characters that TOWA time travelled to find, and powered them up, and used them to her ends. So Yoshitaka Nagayama gives to us…real fans, that like the DBZ movies, unlike the Toriyama fanboys, unlike the casual fans the NORMIES like SomeCallMeJohnny who is BARELY a DragonBall fan and he hates Movie 2. Movie 2 is one of the best ones, you damn normies.

ANYWAY YOSHITAKA gives to us what we want, MORE Bardock. MORE Trunks. MORE Broly. Because of the way the story works, Yoshitaka made his own DBH MANGA adaptation from the video games, without involving BEAT! AT ALL! NO BEAT! NO NOTE! NO DBH VIDEO GAME PEOPLE! It all starts in Dark Demon Realm Saga, with DBZ Future Trunks, being captured by the Supreme Kai of Time, some time after he killed Cell. It’s not a COPY of the games stories. He started right from the beginning of FUTURE TRUNKS Time Patrol Career. Cuz it’s basically TRUNKS story. Even tho they bring in Xeno Kakarot and Xeno Vegeta later on. The way his story is designed, allows him to use old characters and make them become stronger by demonic methods and other methods. Something DBS can never do for a character like Bardock.

Xeno Vegeta and Xeno Kakarot are not from GT. It’s not GT Vegeta and Kakarot. What? Did you think they were? NO! THEY FIGHT GT VEGETA AND KAKAROT AS FUSIONS! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They fuse, to fight SS4 Dark Gogeta who is possessed by a demon called Fin who was already strong enough by himself to smack Omega Shenron off into the distance before possessing SS4 Gogeta. Again, don’t YOU, presume to tell ME, ANYTHING, about DragonBall.

You not liking that they’re reusing old characters and calling it corporate greed, doesn’t make your opinion correct. I LIKED that they bring old characters back that I LIKE and have found a way to make them relevant again. Unlike you who just wants them to stay dead. FUTURE GOHAN TOO! Yeah ANOTHER VERSION of Future Gohan that didn’t die, and had to watch THEM die. So he had a whole different BACKSTORY and a whole different CHARACTER and it had P-L-O-T and 18 looked pretty HOT and it had what’s that thing you all whine about wanting more of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! OHHHHHHHHH! OHHHHhhhh look who looks like they don’t what they’re talking about noooooow huuuuuh!? Don’t you EVER presume to tell, me, anything about DragonBall. Except maybe DragonBALL before Z. I’ve seen it at least 2 times all the way through most of it 3 times. A long time ago. No reason to watch it again except if I cared about proving someone wrong about it.

CONVERSELY oooh big word for the nerds CONVERSELY I’ve seen Movie 7 six times in one year. That’s who you’re dealing with here. Someone Geekdom would hate, since he hates that movie.

MORE JANEMBA EVEN! Janemba was ALSO THERE in DBH, BEFORE SDBH. He was ALREADY there as Dark Janemba and was already destroyed. That’s who DR WHEELO was reviving. Not the MOVIE 12 Janemba. It’s a different JANEMBA. See what an amateur you are now? Don’t challenge me again.

In SDBH, FU is doing that noooow. And TOEI is making anime out of YOSHITAKAS manga. Yoshitaka is not making his manga out of corporatised greed. He made it cuz he loves DragonBall. TOEI is allowed to make an anime out of DBZ, and DBS, so why not SDBH?

AHH SEE! See so you were completely wrong about SS4 Broly he wasn’t just THROWN IN THERE he already existed in the continuity. He already fought Xeno Kakarot once before. Didn’t die. And Demigra explained how he became so strong. He went rampaging through Hell after that battle with Super Mira and Xeno Kakarot. After recovering from battle so many times he’s become “immensely more powerful. Maybe he even became too strong” And they lost track of him after that point. He’s been transformed, for all of this time. Do you know anything about DBZ Broly? He’s not the same as DBS Broly. He has what is known as the 7TH Sense in Saint Seiya. But he has it permanently and his energy grows SO MUCH, that he has to expel it sometimes to stop himself from self destructing. So multiple times per day his power increased significantly.

That’s why he can fight VEGITO as a LSS1 at that point. People like me, who hate the power scaling community, hate them for a reason. It’s because this is EASY, and they make it into this gayass science and make it all sound nerdy as fark. Let me guess you think Jiren fought the same strength Cumber that SSB Vegito fought? WRONG! Cumber was WEAKER when he fought Xeno Vegito SS4 AND Jiren AND Golden Meta Cooler, than he was when he fought Vegito Blue in “base” As a SS3, he was WEAKER. WEAKER. Because of Fu. And later, Hearts returned a bunch of his Evil Aura to him, making him the fighting power he once was again.

So now the power scale is fixed for you, because you talked to me. I am beyond these clowns. I am far better at the thing they love, and I don’t spam youtube with videos about it. Not that I could, I’m terminated. Twice now. Oh, oh I spend my time debunking christians and holocaust BELIEVERS annnnd what else telling people that Hitler was NOT a christian and having to prove all that stuff. And researching the Aryan Gods and Aryan Race and the history we weren’t told.

This garbage??? This is nothing.

Yes, of COURSE they brought in more GT fights and what is called NODS or REFERENCES TO OLD SCENES from other timelines. IT’S A MULTI TIMELINE TOURNAMENT. And sadly for you, SDBH is not over. Episode 51 already aired. 52 soon.

DBS did the same thing with Kale.

Xeno Gogeta and this version of Omega, same thing and why not? That’s a great thing they did it was amusing and entertaining. You’re not a DragonBall fan. You’re something but you’re not a DragonBall fan. Or not a DBZ fan and maybe a DragonBALL fan. And by the way, did you NO you didn’t of course you don’t I won’t even bother asking.

TOWA and other demons, LIKE MECHIKABURA, powered people up in DBH. Do you understaaaand?

And FU powered them up! IN SDBH! With his energyyy that he’s gathered into his sword ohh did you, did you PLAY Xenoverse 2? Which is ANOTHER FU in Xenoverse 2 by the way it isn’t the same guy. Did ya play it? Did you know who Fu was beFORE SDBH began? And what POWERS he has? And that he can give warriors POWER UPS with his energy? Like he SAID in the episode where Turles fights Kakarot Blue and Bojack fights Vegeta Blue? Did you KNOW any of that about Fu before SDBH began? NO?

Then get out of my face, normie.


Profile photo for Taiga B.
Taiga B.
· 15h
Gonna respond to one paragraph and leave you to go back to patting yourself on the back with your follower base of burner accounts, since I have zero clue which poibts you’re tackling with each individual yap sesh.

You’ve been immersed since before the post-BOG renaissance? O REALLY!? I was playing DBO before BoG existed.

Cool. Pre-BoG renaissance means any point before 2013. This qualification is utterly meaningless.

I’m 35.

Me personally, I would feel a tinge embarassed if I turned into an anti-semitic Kingdom Hearts villain over defending my Super Fanservice Ball Heroes at any ahe, let alone my midlife crisis.

I never stopped playing the games. I never stopped looking at fan work like DragonBall Multiverse on JEWtube. Or video games being made into stories from Raging Blast 2 gameplay or Tenkaichi 3. Or Burst Limit, Budokai 3, mixtures of them. I saw the fan made movie where Broly is revived and Vegeta and Kakarot both go SS3 to defeat him set in the Hirudegarn battle area.

As someone who partook in the exact same fanmade content, none of this makes you unique, or lends credibility to your argument of SDBH being anything but fanservice you can just switch your brain off and go “I REMEMBER THAT!” everytime Broly or some other movie villain is shown on screen.

Enjoy your weekend, and never stop yapping into the void! It’s very entertaining.

Profile photo for Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
· 0y
“Gonna respond to one paragraph and leave you to go back to patting yourself on the back with your follower base of burner accounts, since I have zero clue which poibts you’re tackling with each individual yap sesh.”

In other words you can’t keep up with my information and can’t defeat the rest of my arguments, so you made up some caveat and gave up. You have conceded defeat ahhHHAHA HA HA HA HA!


Let me dumb it down for you. I’ll use just one point since that’s all you can keep up with.

SS4 Broly, was already there, in DBH manga, in the Dark Empire Saga, before SDBH. He became SS4 there already. That’s why he’s there again in SDBH. Because he didn’t die in DBH.

You said Broly was randomly added in SDBH. You, were, wrong. Again.

Simple enough?


That’s all I have to say. This shows how uninformed you are about SDBH and make all of your other points mute. You’re highly uninformed on SDBH and DBH details.

And my post isn’t about what you think of SDBH. I don’t care, what you think about SDBH. But I corrected all the things you were wrong about. And it’s all up there. In my huge reply to your accusations.

And IIII don’t like DB Daima. People like YOU, said I like anything with DragonBall slapped on it. I don’t like DB Daima. I don’t like DB Minus either. So you, were, wrong. You missed the point of my post. Laughing at all of you, who, were, wrong.

Also, you said post-BoG renaissance. Not pre. You said post.

Now, time to engage laughter.









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