Many people don't like many people's around them because they are introvert. They feel uncomfortable when someone start to talk with them .They just want to enjoy their own company.
There are some few methods of how to be happy alone
- Don't compare yourself with others
There are alot of people who compare himself with others and it affects to their performance because when they compare himself people others sometime they assume others performance is better than him, they are more talented thn him and it affects their mental health also .
If you have want to be happy in your life then don't compare yourself with anyone.
Everyone is perfect on their own.
- Avoid using Social media platforms for few months
Social media is papular now a days and everyone is spending most of their time while using Facebook, Instagram and others social media platforms.
It is so easy mode of gaining knowledge but sometimes it will effect to your life because we waste alot of time in useless stuff and sometimes many individuals spread hate .
Moreover many times we see someone whose lifestyle is so good and we start thinking why my lifestyle is not like them and we feel bad about it.