Be authentic

in hive-119463 •  4 years ago 
Perhaps many spend their lives enjoying a borrowed life, tied to the appearances imposed by having a life built on the ideas, thoughts, assumptions and ways of acting that others have about us. Society over the centuries has been based on a series of dogmas and patterns of behavior that tell everyone how they should think, feel, act and even dream. Today there are those of us who strive to be authentic, to break the ties imposed on us from the outside, to not allow ourselves to be seduced by the expressions of conformism, of the mirage of a perfect life.


Authentic beings are those of us who allow ourselves to be seduced by the idea of being unique, of thinking and feeling what our heart tells us to. Being authentic is when out of nowhere we are inspired to do things that others would never dare to do for fear of criticism or ridicule. Being authentic is when we dare to pursue our dreams, authentic is who seeks and finds his own way of relating to the world, is who undertakes a journey of self-love where he respects and values himself as a person, is who provides peace and harmony in their environment, being authentic is who offers love in the midst of hatred and violence.

Being authentic is the one who shines with his own light, is the one who does not need to turn off others to be noticed, is the one who in the midst of great difficulties obtains a learning of life, being authentic is to smile because you want to, is to be happy because you are not afraid of what others will say, is to love your existence in freedom and feel that there are no limits for those who are unique and special. So my dear reader, live, dream, love, feel and especially be authentic.


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Nice Post.

Thank you very much for reading and commenting

Nice sir

Thank you, it is nice to share with other people as authentic and wonderful as the ones we meet here on this platform. Thank you for commenting