Source: pixabay.com
To blossom is to manage to develop and transform the small sprouts into beautiful flowers and fruits that become the demonstration that willpower and a life based on effort, constancy and the desire to be better every day are the pillars of a spiritual, physical and mental blossoming that goes beyond an instant; that is to say, to blossom is to turn the road into a landscape adorned by the great goals achieved and objectives attained.

Source: pixabay.com
Today there are people who live in the midst of war, in extreme poverty, stricken by disease, in communities where drought and lack of food constantly threaten life, and yet they rise up to give their best, to show and use their gifts for the common good. They are those people who blossom into a unique and wonderful existence. They flourish even in the midst of death, just like plants that once cut and pulled up by the roots are able to recompose themselves and sprout new roots, leaves and fruits, even in the middle of cement, asphalt and sometimes even in the garbage.

Source: pixabay.com
How many of us who read me today, my dear friends, are part of those flowers that have struggled like the lotus that grows in the swamps and around it is able to purify everything. To bloom in life is to find the reason to go on and develop yourself, to be creative, authentic and especially courageous. To blossom steemit friends is just that, to be brave and to demonstrate that even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances we are and will be the most exotic fruits of the universe, we will be the flowers that are born from the cracks in the cement. So never stop dreaming and blooming wherever you are.