Learning, letting go and growing. Sunday reflections

in hive-119463 •  4 years ago 
Throughout our existence we human beings always find ourselves in situations from which we must learn; well, that is our duty. For no one it is a secret that life as a good teacher will repeat the lesson a thousand times until you learn it, but, how far are we committed to the learning that comes to us from life and experience? How far are we able to understand when the events and circumstances of everyday life become repeated scenes of our movie? And, without realizing it, we start a circle whose force of attraction leads us to the depths of failure and a lesson in which we do not advance, simply because of stubbornness.

Source: pixaby.com

Very seldom do we accept that we must let go in order to grow and move forward. Learning in life is undoubtedly one of the most difficult things; more so because of our ability to get stuck in people, situations and things that simply do not do us good, but which we firmly believe we can handle and control. One of the most difficult learning is the one that implies letting go and this happens, in most cases, when we are so destroyed in the process of clinging to something or staying in one place that we forget that each stage requires a process of separation which should become a step for growth and to be better.

Holding on to things, events or people that hurt us is one of the most destructive experiences that every human being chooses for himself. And you will say then, should we not cling to anything? Yes, of course we should, we should hold on to our own existence, to our spiritual growth, to the promotion of our intellect, to the care of our health, to the respect for the planet and all life on it. We must hold on to our self-love to what we are and can be, only then will we have the opportunity to find happiness in this here and now.


To let go, implies more than freeing yourself, to let go of that which affects you, causes you pain, harms your existence and reduces you as a human being. To let go is to travel light, free without blame or damage, to let go to avoid losing ourselves, how many of us are in the middle of situations that we know do not do us good but we are afraid to change? It is there where letting go becomes a medicine, a cure for the soul. Letting go is not synonymous with abandoning, one has nothing to do with the other, letting go implies courage and self-love, abandoning is cowardice and selfishness. And in some cases letting go is the greatest expression of love that you can give to another human being and especially to ourselves.

Grow, transform yourself and be better every day by you and for you, which will be reflected in your environment. We are not islands but neither should we carry the weight of the universe on our shoulders, you are not responsible for what happens to others, your only responsibility is your life. To grow is to establish priorities, is to mutate what you know is no longer good for you. To grow is to look to the future with the strength that comes from believing in yourself, in your potential and especially in your gifts and capacity to be a better version of yourself. To grow we need to learn and let go, no one told us that life would be easy, each one depends on whether the transit through this existence is a path of happiness or eternal torture.



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