How many of us leave our homes and think, while we pick up our keys, our wallet, maybe lunch in a lunch box and, in those thousands of things, that during that day must magically be done (because undoubtedly the day is made up of 24 hours, but we already have a list of at least 48 things to do and all of them depend on us). Some people have convinced us that the solution to all that is "solve the urgent and leave for later the important", I myself applied at some point that crazy philosophy of action, I will summarize why for me it is nonsense.
To solve the urgent, but what can be considered as "the urgent", well we could think of getting the money for food, paying debts, bills, maybe more punctual things such as delivering some work or pending task, making some home repair and purely material things, because if we stop to think well almost always the urgent is related to the material.
Now let's look at "the important" which is what we are leaving for later, maybe hugging my family before leaving home, because I had to run to catch the bus and get to work, ask my children about their homework and those things that interest them and make them happy, kiss my partner and tell him how much I love that our paths remain united despite the difficulties and the years, call my parents or stop by their house and share a cup of coffee with them, call my brothers who are far away and for many reasons we have not seen each other again. To enjoy a meal calmly as it should be, that's important, to sleep peacefully, to wake up without shocks, to breathe and admire for a moment everything that surrounds me, that's what's important.
I could go on mentioning what is important and you will realize that in my particular case my list of "what is important" is much longer than "what is urgent". I decided long ago as an exercise of peace and life to always see and attend to what is important because that is what I have to take with me from this life. Today as a life exercise I invite you to share with me what is important so that you my dear reader can discover what you should treasure and value. Let's forget that materialistic philosophy that leads us to make of our life an eternal urgency when our life is important and every aspect counts. Blessings to all, don't forget to comment.