In traditional families, there's a belief that the elder of that home, should invite Domovoy, Domovoy is a kind house spirit that protects home and children
According to legend they share the emotions of the family, such as if they are happy, Domovy is also happy, if they are sad Domovy is also sad.
Domovy protects childen and anmals of the house.
It is also said that he can mask his appearance by adopting the form of a dog or cat
You also need to pay respects to Domovoy if the house was unoccupied for a while, “take a seat for the road”,after everything is packed for the trip, as a way to say a temporary goodbye to Domovoy / Domovoi.
If the residents are careless, and leaves the house untidy then the Domovoi will have Poltergeist-style antics in order to show his displeasure
You may not see Domovoi but you can feel its presence
If you upset your Domovoi, he may give harm to your house hold, breaking the plates, objects, making your food or milk go wrong.
If you want to make your Domovoi happy offer and leave him so bread & milk. also it has been said that he like tobacco.
Also if you keep your house reasonably tidy, your Domovoi will be happy as well.
In Short Words :
We can sort of say Slav's Domovoi & Thai's Kuman Thong is pretty much similar
Kuman Thong does your house work, Domovoi asks you to keep your house clean
If you don't keep your house tidy, your Domvoi might express his displeasure
Your Domovi is a smoker, when your Kuman Thong is non smoker
If you're going on a holiday for a long time, you need to say your proper goodbye's to your Domovi
If you don't want to share your tobacco with your Domovoi, you can offer him milk & cookies
If you don't want to invest tons of money over and over to your Fine China, better keep your Domovi happy
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