The government and cops are not your friends

in hive-119463 •  7 months ago 

That's the problem we have, that people don't understand government they don't understand authority they don't understand power they don't understand ultimately everything gets run by men with guns. If you just ignore a court order, then you're off the hook right? Oh no wait they'll send men with guns to come get it.

Unless you're Hilary Clinton or Hunter Biden or anybody else in which case you can do whatever you want and you have no fear at all that men with guns from government will come and get you. See that's the system, the system is THERE if people will just see it.

But how much could all these crooks hang on to if this was a free for all if everybody knew?
How much? Could Bill Gates hang on to all that land he so-called "bought" No it'd all be taken from him. People would catch these people out in public they'd string em up, anybody acting as private security force with em would be putting their own life in danger.

Instead they're seen as HEROOOES and fighting for law and order and all this crap and how does all this happen? It happens because constitutional conservatives brainwash people. Just like liberals push this brainwashing about the U.S and the flag and heroes and all this other stupid crap.

That's the problem people see that right there is the fundamental brainwashing that people don't understand the way government works what government is and what actually is the moving force of government. But when you start to see it, when it starts to come together then you can start to see "Oh yeah we live in a complete and total fantasy land. The people are totally brainwashed" And the biggest problem are these constitutional conservatives that push this law and order horse shit because so many of them are in military and police. And, they will kill people. They will. You saw what happened with covid.

Cops weren't refusing to do any of that. "Just doin muh job, followin orders" They just wanna collect a pension, go down, tell it to the judge, all these fantasies they have in there. Get's em off the hook. Then people turn on the television and what do they see? Just endless shows night and day all the time. Movies. TV. Everything. Glorifying the fantastic man that sacrificed himself for the so-called country. All the cops who supposedly protect us. Special service this n that. Going in and raiding a terrorist group and OH NUCLEAR BOMB they got it and it's all bullshit man. It's all bullshit.

This is a group of people that are pretending to be legitimate, calling themselves a government and running it. And they just laugh their asses off at people stupid enough to put up with it. And of course through the fake money system they've been able to buy up all the universities all the businesses, and think tanks, and media, and they just brainwash media night and day. All the time. Their entire lives.

And when I tell people this stuff, they just get angry at ME! That's how deep the brainwashing is. Instead of realizing "oh yeah what the hell? Huh. I better look into that" NOPE nope nope he must be a kook. He needs to move to Somalia. All of the same kinda brainwashing knee jerk reaction nonsense that they put into it.

CIA coined that phrase 'conspiracy theorist' in order to cover up that crap they did with JFK. Which has now come out! And does it make any difference? No. It's the same horse shit over and over. Over and over. So, I hope that gives people some kind of perspective of the way things really are, really were, and how far we are from anything like what people IMAGINE we're living in. So so far from. We're NOT the good guys. It's not that there's good guys out there in government in some other country, their aren't. But we are NOT the good guys.

So finally, we fought on the side of the commies in WW2. And now people are surprised that communism is somehow taking over. These constitutional conservatives are the biggest fucking fans of WW2 the military and everything else. They can't make the connections like they can't connect two simple dots. We fought for the commies. To keep them from falling. And they definitely would have fallen. For sure. The only thing that kept them alive was all the aid we sent in there through the back door through Siberia.

Otherwise they would have fallen, and then would've been rid of communism. But the people in charge, the bankers, who started all of that, love communism, want all this stuff and push both sides and financed both sides didn't want that to happen. And you're not allowed to speak about it because you're immediately called names and accused of wanting to do things to (((certain people))). And it's completely preposterous and absurd. Because none of that stuff is discussable.

But the reality is that there was a money system that was put in in Germany and the people were doing GREAT! Very quickly they turned it around from the nightmare of the other system. And WHEN THAT HAPPENED, there was a war declared against Germany because they could not lose control of the central banking system. And to the extent that Hitler was also in on the thing? I've seen every kinda theory. We can't know.

I know this. We fought on the side of the commies. And that doesn't make any sense. And I know all the different ways that Hitler tried to make peace prior to the war, tried to avoid the war and anybody that wants to read anything about that needs to read some of the books like 'The Bad War' or 'What Hitler Authored' There's all sorts of books you can see and the people would be shocked.

All you have to do is look at who we fought for. And so, every part of all these narratives that are all out there, they're all completely fake and it's almost impossible for people to sort it out because academia and media and entertainment is so fantastically purchased and owned by 6 groups basically and they just push the same lies over and over. Just like Trust The Science. All that same kinda crap. Just like 9 11, 19 hijackers, it's always the same kinda bullshit narratives. And one of the narratives they push, all of them push is this Red vs Blue nonsense constitutional construction freedom machine "Of by and for the people" thing that both sides push.

Like I said anybody that wants to should go read Oppenheimers book on the state. He wrote it 125 years ago. A very famous book and his research is just clear as day.

"And to the extent that Hitler was also in on the thing? I've seen every kinda theory. We can't know."

Well, this video shall shed some light on that whole matter. Adolf Hitler absolutely was not in on the whole thing. He was not a Zionist shill. He was not a jew. He was not part of the plan. He was not a communist, Jordan Maxwell. He was not a homosexual prostitute either, for all you Hitler haters out there that want to believe every horrible thing ever said about him. christian catholic and jewish historians alike, lie about Adolf Hitler in the most vile ways possible.

He was also not a christian.

The christian historians did the same thing, said the same lies about the Pagan Roman Emperors. They lied about those Pagan Roman Emperors, the three greatest Roman Emperors of all time, and accused them of being homosexuals and with many lies, turned them into psychopathic homosexual monsters in the "Records of history" Oh yeah whose history? What a bunch of christian liars? Well here's the proof they lied.

"christians adulterated Roman historiography, turning the Emperors who had opposed them and their jewish ancestors into disturbed monsters. Thus we have not had a single Roman Emperor who has participated in harsh jewish reprisals, who has not been defamed by accusations of homosexuality, cruelty or perversion. The Spanish historian Jose Manuel has dismantled many of the false accusations against the historical figure of Caligula."

1:13:00 to the end.

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