14 hours ago
Spent the whole day outside. It was super hot and humid. My country is exceptionally hot due to being on the equator and being a tropical country. But, even for us, this kind of heat isn't normal. The temperature is more than 35° celsius and with a real feel of above 40. While 30° celsius is usually a very normal temperature in our country. Above 35 used to be once a month kind of occurrence. But, the last few months all we got was temperature around this range.
Even worse is the fact that this is supposed to be the rainy season. But, all I see humid heat and few minutes of rain every now and then. The climate has changed. I don't remember the last time we had a proper winter season. I see many people saying climate change will occur in the future or things like when climate change happens, things will be very bad.
But, the sad and horrifying reality is that climate change is already taking effect in our world. What most scientists talk about is mitigating the worst effects of climate change. They say we can't do anything about the smaller things at this point and that we are way past the point where we could do things that would make changes to those effects.
Sadly for us, our temperature will keep rising to inhumane levels, There is simply nothing we can do about those. Our country isn't a significant contributor to the climate crisis neither is there much we can do on a global level. We don't even have enough funds to prepare for the worst effects.
A map of Bangladesh showing the flood prone regions which are expected to get worse if we calculate in climate change.
Everyone will need air cooling devices and that will only increase those effects. But telling people not to use air coolers in our country is like telling us all to suffer inhumane hellish conditions unfit for humans. I see no possible future where my nation doesn't suffer. That's just the cold truth.
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