Making some sort of great achievement or becoming extremely excited when we are with our friends is very common and should be expected from the social creatures that are us, humans. But, more often than not, we tend to lose ourselves to the excitement.
When in this euphoric state we say things out of sheer excitement. We might not mean it. It might just be a passing remark that really shouldn't hold too much value. It could be passed off if only said once. But, when said again and again which is the case during states of euphoria it becomes a problem.
The talking point might be someone we love or something we love or something we do. In our excitement, we will say things and then keep repeating them. Which is a problem. As it might be engraved inside the other person without us even knowing.
All moral belief systems, that's why recommend to control oneself when excited and happy. This might just be the reason if anyone never found one. Now you know.
I originally posted it in