Why is life so tough for men?

in hive-119463 •  3 years ago  (edited)

You walk down the street minding your own business, when suddenly someone calls you an inconsiderate loser and throws garbage at you. What’s going on? Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it sounds...but understanding why it happened can help us prevent it from happening again in the future. So read on, and find out why life can be so tough for men sometimes!


Source: https://bit.ly/37Hu2pd

There’s a lot of pressure on men

The expectations are different, society looks at you differently, and even your friends and family expect more from you. But why do they expect more from men than they do women? After all, isn’t a good father just as important as a mother that holds down a full-time job? It doesn’t seem like it sometimes. So don’t get me wrong: There are good things about being a man too. I mean, there’s nothing quite like watching football on Sunday with a bunch of guys or going out to drink beer with some buddies. But when I look back on my life, I think I would have appreciated having someone who could talk to me honestly about what it means to be a man in today’s world—and not just my dad or my brother or my uncle. Someone who understands what it feels like to walk around in a man’s shoes. Someone other than my wife.

The expectations aren’t clear

Because our definition of manhood hasn’t been consistent, boys don’t know what to aspire to or how to measure up. Today we expect women to be strong and capable in all areas, but we don’t expect that of boys—and it shows. Boys are more likely than girls to have behavioral problems, struggle academically, drop out of high school and commit suicide. Boys are four times as likely as girls to develop Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). They also have higher rates of drug use and alcohol abuse. In fact, only 37 percent of high school seniors feel very prepared for college-level work; among black males, just 17 percent feel prepared.

Men look at the worst possible scenarios
A man’s mind tends to magnify problems, sometimes making it difficult to see anything else. For example, your wife might be upset about an argument you had. However, her perspective may be much less pessimistic than yours; she may be angry that you even brought up a topic she finds distasteful. Recognizing these differences can help your relationship flourish by keeping issues from becoming too big to resolve.

Breakdown of communication

Communication between a man and a woman can be quite challenging. For example, when women try to explain things to their husbands, they tend to go into too much detail, which leaves their significant other feeling overwhelmed and confused. When communication breaks down between spouses it’s easy to blame your partner instead of looking at yourself. Instead of being defensive when you feel like you’re under attack, try showing empathy towards your partner by acknowledging their point of view while empathizing with theirs.

Communication breakdown leads to self-doubt

Men and women handle conflict differently, which can cause communication problems. When it comes to resolving arguments, guys are likely to back off and keep their emotions under wraps. That lack of emotional expression leads to self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy that can snowball into depression. Men feel pressure to be strong, but keeping your feelings hidden means you end up bottling them up instead of letting them out—which won’t help your relationship or mental health in any way.

Women are constantly judged

Make no mistake about it, we all have an opinion about women. Society has a very opinionated (and often skewed) view of how women should act and what they should do. And unfortunately, in many cases, women are judged—by other women or by men—when they stray from these standards. From body image to sexual behavior to career aspirations, some opinions aren’t as progressive as you might think. The fact that there are still people who believe that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or serve in combat roles shows just how far society still needs to go when it comes to gender equality. In short, despite progress made over time, there’s still work left to be done if we want everyone—male and female alike—to reach their full potential.

Men are supposed to be tough, emotionless and unemotional

You know, The Big Rock that holds up society. The problem with being expected to be strong and emotionless all of your life (in order to avoid ridicule or other consequences) is that you’re unable to express your feelings when they really matter.

There’s no room for empathy or vulnerability

Studies show that women are more likely to seek out and offer empathy to other women. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to have trouble relating or connecting with their peers. It’s not because we don’t care—we do. But just as we are taught from a young age to bury our emotions, it can be difficult to understand and communicate those same feelings to others.

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