have been in Crypto for over 4 years and in that time I have accumulated quite a decent amount.
This amount would allow my family to survive a few years in case my wife and I would both lose our jobs and be without income.
Over those years I have dug deeper and deeper into the crypto world and have discovered cool and new exciting ways to make yield and make my crypto work for me and my family.
But last week my wife asked me to explain to her how to get to all that money if something happened to me.
And it dawned on me that I could not.
So how do you share your crypto "estate" with your loved ones without writing down all the keys on a piece of paper and sticking it to the fridge?
So I went about trying to solve this issue
Steps in passing on my Digital inheritance
Identifying the assets
Create a digital inventory
Save it in a secure Password manager
find a trusted friend who likes crypto to help with the setup
I just think that thinking about this is a huge step...
I do not want my crypto to sit there while it could help my family if I should no longer be there...
I am now writing out my process further and might post a bit more but this was a post to at least force me to start thinking about this unpleasant but needed topic
Have you started looking into passing on your crypto?
How have you gone about it?
Any feedback is welcome
It might not be worht a lot at current valuations but might be a fortune in a few years...