The bitcoin economy explained from my perspective

in hive-119463 •  3 years ago  (edited)

In order to explain a bit of the operation or the economy of bitcoin, first I need to explain the operation, first of all we have the transactions

I call transactions to the fact of making a deal I buy you sell or you sell I buy


it is a fact generated by two buying and selling users

It is a basic foundation, speaking of economy there is a form of growth that are credits.

These credits serve to boost the amount of purchase and sale of any business, we have a sale to make but to be able to sell more I need to buy more and to be able to do so I request a loan from the bank.

we have our financier, the more credit I have the more I can buy and sell and the supplier that I have the more can buy and sell
What happens with my supplier, the same the more I have to buy, the more he has to sell, he asks for a loan and in turn his supplier requests a loan and the first chain is formed

banks want the growth of the country therefore they have a low interest so that people can buy and sell more.

This is what is known as a positive economy for this type of economy there is a limit in which people can reach a point where they can no longer sell, they will not be able to pay and will generate a negative debt that is known as an economic crisis because if you cannot pay, your provider does not pay, your provider's provider does not pay and it becomes a chain.

So that this does not happen, the government tells the banks to increase the interest so you will not be able to continue requesting more credits to sell more, in the same way your supplier and your supplier's supplier.

this is how the economy works now let's move this to the blockchain

You make a purchase and a user makes a sale, which is the product, the blockchains known as bitcoins, someone wants to buy, I sell them at the price I want, that is, even if the price is high, I can decide if I want to sell very cheap or if I want to sell very expensive.

Unlike the economy, the product is priced based on supply and demand, so I am going to use my blockchain to make transactions or to do holding.

In this case, if I want to promote my product, the bank is my holding company because the less people want to sell the product, it will increase, and as a second option, the same can be the banks.
in this case we currently have someone who is regulating prices for his benefit in this case the famous elon musk who knows the power he has.

In other words, we have our own economy such as any country can have. The advantage is that we do not have a government that regulates us because we are all the government.

We will all know when to sell, when to buy and the best is too transparent.

image from pixabay

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Nix one sir


I'm sorry but this was terribly hard to read. The punctuation and grammar was below average at best. Can we have this edited and then perhaps I'll swing the vote up.

The content is there and I believe the writing is as well. I think you just need to take some time proofread your writing, and make sure it makes sense when you read it aloud.

Exactly, in the case of cryptocurrencies, the value is given by several factors, among which are credibility, acceptance, utility, and supply, which directly influences the buying and selling, which will end up giving it a value in the world of finance.

Wow sorry you have reason bro thanks

We must remember that cryptos are digital currencies and that unlike paper money, which is backed by gold in the vaults of a central or federal bank, it is supported by the trust and investments of companies and people who acquire it as a way to protect a capital or, in an almost immediate buy and sell operation, to increase a capital. Of course, this market is very volatile and the risks are very high, generating large profits as well as risking large losses.


Debemos recordar que las criptos son monedas digitales y que a diferencia del papel moneda, el cual tiene su respaldo en oro en las bóvedas de un banco central o federal, A ésta la soportan la confianza y las inversiones de empresas y personas que la adquieren como una manera de proteger un capital o de, en una operación relámpago de compra y venta casi inmediata, incrementar un capital. Claro está, dicho mercado es muy volátil y los riesgos son muy elevados, generando grandes ganancias como tambien arriesgando a producir grandes pérdidas.

Me encantó tu explicación, aclare muchas dudas. Gracias ☺️.

gracias buenas informacion, es importante que todos agreguemos un poquito de inf a personas que no tienen el conocimiento necesario y estas informacion sirve de ayuda.

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