The Tetraktys was named by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and perceived as a symbol of the Cosmos.
But even before Pythagoras, the Hindus had already noticed it, as this mathematical-geometric pattern configures aspects that, like the Flower of Life, are associated with the creative process of the universe.
From the Greek "tetras", "four", the Tetraktys is a triangular figure composed of the first ten points arranged in the shape of a pyramid.
The number 10 is mathematically known as the fourth triangular number with lines of one, two, three and four points.
Each line has important meanings and provides an understanding of the connection between the inner and outer worlds.
The Tetraktys was so important to the Pythagoreans that they regarded it as the basis for the structure of the Universe in terms of Arithmetic, Music, Geometry and Cosmology (Quadrivium).
The dots represent numbers and their descent symbolises the order or development of the creation of the known universe and the increasing complexity of its manifestation.
The Tetraktys and their mysteries influenced the early Kabbalists, who created a similar way of expounding the Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God in the Hebrew scriptures).
The kabbalistic tree of life, with its spheres of emanation, is derived from the Tetraktys.
This symbol was regarded as a divine manifestation of nature and applied in various ways in mathematics, medicine, music, etc.
"Tetraktys was not only honoured primarily because all symphonies exist within it, but also because it seems to contain the nature of all things."
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theon of Izmir