In accordance with your request, I give you a wise and understanding heart, such as there has never been before and never will be after you.steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-119463 •  3 years ago 

After listening to this speech, I realized that by the grace of El Shaddai, I had received the enjoyment of all heavenly treasures and the Great Knowledge of all things natural and supernatural. There was in me the
knowledge of all creatures, those in heaven and those below; I have seen that all the writings and all the wisdom of the present age are vain and futile, and that no man is perfect. That is why, my son, I have all the virtues and riches you see me possessing today.

Feeling myself near death, knowing that of all the sciences none is more useful than the knowledge of the celestial movements, I considered it my duty to think about it in order to leave you an inheritance more precious than all the riches I have enjoyed.

I then composed a work in which I recorded the Secret of Secrets, written in such a way as to remain hidden, and in which I also placed the mysteries and experiments of the cabalistic arts of all the elders.

I called this work the Key because, as a Key opens a treasure room, this work alone can open the Great Knowledge and understanding of the Kabbalistic arts and sciences.
In it are hidden all the secrets and mysteries that can be realized; what is recorded in connection with a single divination or a single experiment is the same as what can be done in connection with all things that exist in the universe, that have already existed and will exist in the future.
Therefore, my son, you must study all my experiments, mine and those of others, and prepare everything properly for them, as you will see that I have observed, by observing day by day and proper time, and providing all things necessary; for without this you will find only falsehood in this work.

Then I command my son Rehoboam, with the blessing you expect from his father, to make an ivory scanner, and to keep and hide in it my Key.



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