Beneath and behind the universe of time, space and change, the substantial reality, the fundamental truth, must always be found.
The Kybalion
- Substance means: that which underlies all external manifestations; the essence; the essential reality; the thing-in-itself, etc.
- Substantial means: actually existing; being the essential element; being real, etc.
- Reality means: the state of being real; true, lasting; valid, fixed, permanent; effective, etc.
Under and behind all outward appearances or manifestations, there must always be a substantial reality.
This is the law.
Man, in considering the universe of which he is a unit, sees only change in matter, forces and mental states.
He sees that nothing really IS, but that everything is COMING TO BE and CHANGING.
Nothing stands still, everything is being born, growing, dying; the very instant a thing reaches its peak it begins to decline (the law of rhythm is in constant operation) , there is no reality, lasting quality, fixity or substantiality in anything; nothing is permanent but change.
He sees all things evolving out of other things, and resolving into other things.... A constant action and reaction; influx and efflux; edification and collapse; creation and destruction; birth, growth and death.
Nothing lasts but change. And if he is a thinking man, he will realise that all these changing things must be but the outward appearances or manifestations of some underlying power (Some substantial reality) .
All thinkers, in all lands and in all times, have assumed the necessity of postulating the existence of this substantial reality.