Hello friends,
Today I am here with some photographs that are now become extinct.
In my childhood I experienced these things that I shared today. I believe many of you will can relate with the things I shared today.

In my childhood not in every house television was available but at that time radio was a famous source of entertainment.

There was no LCD or LED TV, and no cable or dish 📡 was available.

Same goes for telephone, no mobile, no internet connection was there the landline phone that we had was looks like different from now.

There wasn't any computer, at that time type writers was available. We need to know typewriting and shorthand to get the job.

Now many music system invented but we grow up listing tape recorder and when cassette stucked inside the recorder we adjust the reels by using pencil.

Apart from that many more things I am going to share with you all today that is now extinct.

I believe you all will become nostalgic after watch them.

I believe many Indians can remember the things I shared at last but not in the least.