Hello Community,
A new day and time for positive thoughts again.
The task: Write one or two sentences with very positive thoughts as a comment under this post.
Please only write your own thoughts. If other quotes or thoughts are used, please indicate the source or the author. I prefer your own positive thoughts though.
Do you know what an affirmation is? I wish for such thoughts that have a positive effect.
The whole thing becomes a daily mini-contest. The prize for the 5 best comments will be a 100% upvote from me. In addition, everyone who gets a 100% upvote increases one rank.
I will read the comments once a day and reward my 5 favorites with the upvote.
Give positive energies to the world.
Yes, thoughts, too, are ultimately a form of energy.
We want to think positively. There is so much darkness in this world, let's create mental positive lights and thus create good energies.
I will probably start this positive thoughts mini-contest every day if I have the time.
Be active, be positive, think for yourself.
Be the light yourself.
Be the positive thought yourself!
So not sad if it didn't work out today. Tomorrow is a new day :-) .
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Ave Atque Vale!
사랑은 나에게 신성한
My better search for STEEMIT: https://bit.ly/steemit-search
Make a world full of friendship. Be respectfull to everyone ❤️
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you don't need to be known by many people, and even that popularity doesn't guarantee anything, you don't need your kindness to be seen by the public, only Allah is the witness for every good you do in this mortal world.
thanks for the competition @seo-bos
I hope that those who will get the prizes later can be more excited in this very good community
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My opinion again. Do not be arrogant with the belief to get the greatest in a plan, because if it fails it will disappoint you greatly.
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it could be, the difficulties you don't like bring you to a beautiful destiny that you never dreamed of before
Thanks @seo-boss
Best regards Fahmiam
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You can't ignore effect of your environment nor hold it responsible for your lacks & failures. You always have choice. You decide if you want to stay miserable, blaming people & situations or you decide to confront your fears, learn from them & be the best you possible
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keep trying to be a good person even though everyone thinks you are bad
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"We should surround ourselves with people who are Good for our mental health!
People who give us energy, Not drain it from us.
People who light us up, not dim our light"
Special Mention: @seo-boss
Regards: @kashif62
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Life is not about how heavy the problems that come to us are, but about how positively we are able to respond to all these problems.
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My Affirmation
everyone who has been successful, must have experienced failure and never give up, they believe failure is the best teacher in their life.
Thank to @seo-boss
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When you do positive things and invest in positive things. Compound effect also favors the positive things. If you invest in negative, compound effect responds in same stack.
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Do it repeatedly to reach your dreams, even if you fail you have to get back up, because you will get better than your dreams.
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No need to worry about how the story line on this road, just act.God is the best director.
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You are what your mind tells you, and that truth is imposed with your presence.
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life is in vain, death is in vain, if we want to change we can certainly do it, but about the work of kindness that is not very hard for us to do right now, I am very sorry to be human without helping people, I hope you @seo-boss can help people other
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Even if you send a friendly word to another person, you help them :-) .
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it definitely helps other people boss, even they remember the services that have helped him
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Alle die auf ihre "Götter" vertrauen - es ist egal, welche Götter ihr anbetet - werden auchden Rest damit verbringen, ihre Götter anzubeten.
Jeder soll das machen - wenn es für ihn gut ist!
Aber erwartet keine Antwort und auch keine Hilfe von euren Göttern.
Es wird keine Hilfe kommen.
Ihr müsst erkennen, dass die
Kraft und Energie in Euch ist!
Nur dann erkennt Ihr eure eigene Macht.
Probiert es einfach aus und ihr werdet sehen, dass sich das Leben positiv ändert.
Ihr steht auf.
Ihr geht zur Arbeit.
Ihr müsst das Leben meistern.
Ihr müsst mit allen Situationen die das Leben Euch stellt, fertigwerden.
HAbt Ihr schon einmal einen "Gott" gesehen, der Euch dabei geholfen hat?
Also glaubt nicht an Götter, sondern glaubt an Euch selbst.
Ihr werdet sehen - Ihr werdet noch viel mehr können, als Ihr gedacht habt!
Ihr könnt es ja ausprobieren!
Viel Freude und habt keine Angst dabei - es klappt.
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Ich mag Atheisten nicht, denn diese operieren nur im Materialismus und negieren alles, was nicht mit dem materialistischen Weltbild erklärbar ist. Der Materialismus lehnt sogar die Existenz einer Seele ab, und damit das was einen Menschen ausmacht, jedenfalls meiner Meinung nach :-). Auf der anderen Seite glauben viele Mächtige an Satan. Die sind also keine Atheisten.
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Damit hast Du natürlich recht.
Aber - ich behaupte das es eine bessere, größere MAcht/Energie als dieses "Göttertum" gibt.
Ein Atheist bin ich in keiner Weise.
Aber viele haben zu viel Angst sich davon zu lösen und größeres zu akzeptieren.
Was wir Menschen bereits geschafft haben, ist dokumentiert!!!
Was der alles gemacht haben soll, ist Märchen.
Es gibt nicht das geringste, was daraufhinweist, dass er existiert.
Deshalb werden ja auch Alle immer so auf "Glauben" eingeschworen!
Wir könnten schon auf dem Mars gewesen sein, wenn wir diese Glaubensfesseln los wären.
Aber das ist nur meine Meinung!
Lg. und einen schönen Abend.
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Eben da beginnt unsere Meinung auseinander zugehen. Allein die dokumentierte Geschichte darf gerne hinterfragt werden. Sieh Dir mal die Doku-Reihe an "Erfundene Geschichte" in diesem Kanal:
Da kommen gewaltige Fragen auf.
Wie wahrscheinlich ist es das, wenn Du Buchstaben wahllos hinwirfst, ein sinnvoller Satz herauskommt? Noch viel unwahrscheinlicher ist, dass Leben durch Zufall ensteht. Weißt Du welche Vielzahl an Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit Leben ensteht? Für mich ist es unmöglich, dass es so einen Zufall gibt.
Ich selbst glaube dem Mainstream vielleicht 1% :-).
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Ich glaube, dass unsere Meinungen gar nicht soweit auseinandergehen.
Wir können mittlerweile in sehr vielen Berichten sehen wie Leben entsteht.
Leben in seiner ganzen Komplexität und Artenvielfalt.
Selbst wir Menschen haben es bereits übernommen, in das "normale" Leben und dessen Entstehung einzugreifen.
Wir mischen Züchtungen und kreuzen Tierarten, um neue "Erkenntnisse!???" zu erhalten.
Allein diese Beispiele sollten jedem aufzeigen, dass wir dafür keine Götter brauchen.
Ich finde Brauchtümer von früher nicht falsch.
Weihnachten wird auch bei uns - in Maßen - ausgelebt.
Aber nur, weil wir es schön finden und es uns auch eine Abwechslung vom Alltag bietet.
An das Inhaltliche - Jesus, Maria, Stern von Bethlehem usw. womöglich noch die drei Weisen aus dem Morgenland - glauben wir in keiner Weise.
Alles von Menschen gemacht - mit einem einzigen Hintergrund - nämlich Macht haben, erreichen und über andere bestimmen können.
Aber das ist sicherlich ein Thema für eine eigene Community, oder?
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie auf jeden Fall ein tolles Weihnachtsfest und das es für Euch genauso abläuft wie Ihr es gerne haben möchtet.
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Be yourself and love yourself because nobody else can be you.
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Gestern schon gewollt haben , es heute dann doch getan , und für morgen dann ... .
Kann posiTiveS die NegAtion des negAtiveN sein ?
Dann wäre negaTiveS die PositiVation des posiTiveN , ähh , nein , oder ?
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Thank you senpai
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Help others and don't ask for wages.
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Maybe colleagues who are already on Steemit have different experiences. I think this is important I share with those of you who have just set foot on the greatest Social Media I have ever known.
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Positive Thoughts.
every human being must have felt helpless, when helplessness approaches you then you are sure that you can definitely get through helplessness.
By @nuruzzahri
Thank to @seo-boss
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"Apapun pekerjaan yang kamu kerjakan,cintai lah dan tetp semangat suatu saat pasti akan indah pada waktunya"
Salam @zemmy92.
Terima kasih @seo-boss..
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@tipu curate
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Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 2/5) Get profit votes with @tipU :)
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Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up. Be open to criticism and continue to learn and surround yourself with happy, warm and sincere people it all depends on our own intentions to live a better life and a clean mind, live as much .
and for myself too
hopefully getting this prize is always successful for this community, hopefully it goes smoothly amen.
so much information from me @seo-boss
Regards @steem-wariors
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Affirmations are sentences that are intended to influence the conscious and subconscious mind, so that in turn it affects behavior, thought patterns, habits and the environment. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), affirmation is a positive determination, an affirmation, and an affirmation. merdeka.com quote source
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All development depends on the activity. There can be no physical or intellectual development without effort where effort means hard work.
Thank you @seo-boss
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Don’t just receive, because those who give are always blessed naturally, also be a giver so you receive your blessings
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"A person who rises after a fall is someone who is stronger than a person who has never fallen"
Thank you @seo-boss
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Let's enjoy each day as a gift from God since we don't know when the last will be.
and a positive thought:
Everything that I set out to achieve I am going to achieve.
by @raquelita15
Thank you @seo-boss for the opportunity to participate ☺️
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You don't have to be all-rounder, just pursue one of the fields that you like and be great at it.
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Be Noble, with an unselfish heart; and thus at your step, you will give off a scent of harmony.
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Being submissive is not often the inferiority.
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Cultivate success from failure. Despair and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success, so i hope you @seo-boss Never stop to help another people with your Method. Thank you.
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if you are appreciated when you help people then help even though that person doesn't see you when you help others but hold on to your help that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will reward you in the hereafter ☺️☺️
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Always reach out your helping hand. Life will reward you.
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"You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness."
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Fight, work hard, turn your wounds into a thousand kinds of happiness. This life has a thousand kinds of sweetness. To achieve it, it takes a thousand bitter struggles as well. Choose your path now. Walking on earth is easy, being a whole person is not easy. So, always give the opportunity to know yourself and be kind to others. Live as one of the happiest humans in this world. With your soul always full, you will be accompanied to the path of truth and goodness to the earth and everything in it."
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"Dreams becomes a goal when actions are taken towards it's achievement"
Thanks: @seo-boss
Best Regards: @aligraphic
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whatever work I will do to meet household needs as long as it does not violate state law and religious law. i think this is one of my positive thoughts for @seoboss
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Don't think of yourself as great in your worship if you meet ignorant people, the factor that causes you to lose to ignorant people is that we don't know it sometimes he does a secret practice that he doesn't show to humans.
best regards @muchin
Thank you @seobos
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Training covers the lack of education well but education can never fill the gap of training.
Thanks: @seo-boss
Regards: @ahsansharif
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Apart from books, the only thing that teaches is "life"
Your Beloved: @aykiz07
Thanks @seo-boss
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We should always remember we won't make the right decision always but failure is not the opposite of success it part of success. Just keep fucus and you will be they before you know it.
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building is not as easy as destroying
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When its your time you wont notice time passes by .. hard work and determination counts.
Special mention: @seo-boss
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Maybe not today and also not tomorrow and also not the day after tomorrow, keep fighting because success is achieved with full of obstacles and challenges. So never give up in the middle of the process.
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If you want to succeed just be yourself. Be true to your own destiny.
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Oke siip bro
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it may be, the difficulties you don't like bring you to a gorgeous destiny that you just ne'er unreal of before
thanks @seo-boss
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Hello everyone, I hope you are well.
Thanks for this kind initiative @seo-boss
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The highest reward for a hard worker is not what he gets from the job, but how much he develops with that hard work.
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Enjoy the little things, this is your only life! 🙌
Special Mention: @seo-boss
Regards: @kashif62
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Nothing is permanent, but there are sparks that lead you to get out, to move, to get out of the way so that life goes on, flows, and nothing influences.
There are moments, and days, that are made to meet again.
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be happy with today's conditions. because what you get today, is the result of your thoughts yesterday. want to change your life/fate, then change your mindset "everything comes from within"
by @abdhalim
thanks @seo-boss
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I decree that I am about to live the best moments of my life,
my effort is supported by the strength of the universe
Decreto que estoy por vivir los mejores momentos de mi vida,
mi esfuerzo es apoyado por la fuerza del universo.
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Afirmasi berasal dari dua kata yaitu afir dan masi kalau di gabungkan menjadi afirmasi
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Do good without looking at who.
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Bless others and treat them as you would like to be treated. What we sow in our lives will sprout either as good or bad seed.
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there is no beautiful thought other than for the good of others, so we must think for the benefit of others.
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Positive thinking brings positive results!!!
Thank to @seo-boss
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Mungkin rekan-rekan yang sudah ada di Steemit punya pengalaman berbeda. Saya rasa ini penting saya bagikan kepada anda yang baru saja menginjakkan kaki di Media Sosial terhebat yang pernah saya kenal.
Maybe colleagues who are already on Steemit have different experiences. I think this is important I share with those of you who have just set foot on the greatest Social Media I have ever known.
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Self-confidence, self-esteem and ability to research goals.

Power to acquire charity and influence people.
Live in bliss.
Good manners, and domination over bad habits.
Save on innovation and production.
Spread the word in the community.
Overcoming anxiety and grief.
When you think in the form of a positive attraction to the positive position (the law of attraction)
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Waktu santai terbaik adalah saat kita terlalu sibuk hingga tidak punya waktu untuk bersantai lagi
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