Perl - How to Use DELETE query in MySQL using Perl Language

in hive-119463 •  4 years ago 

In this post, we are going to see, How to Use DELETE query in MySQL using Perl Language.

In previous few posts, we learned about how to use the INSERT, UPDATE queries. And we also learned about the SELECT query too. And the first tutorial in the CRUD were about the connection to do with the MYSQL database. So now the final part of this series is making use of the DELETE query. Yes that is right we are going to delete the rows we created.

So the below tutorial we are going to see how to DELETE the mysql database rows using the perl language.

That's it. That was the last post of the series. And we wrap up the perl language tutorials. It is old set of videos and a lot of knowledge was meant to get you up and running. So yeah In near future I would be handling few other ideas and the concept soon.

Do let me know if you enjoyed the series.

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