in hive-119463 •  3 years ago 

Hi guys...
My name is smart, I'm new in the community.. I clearly or actually don't have much knowledge how things work around here but anyways... I'm glad to be here...
I'd like to talk about the social Media marketing..


Marketing most simply defined can be called the process of buying and selling, of course that's correct...and of course through a strategy and means right?? For example, John wakes up in the morning only to find out that he had run out of groceries... He picks up a basket and goes grocery shopping.. now John doesn't go without money in his wallet because he has to exchange the money for the groceries... Now in all walks of life marketing is performed with a certain object of value no matter the kind of marketing or business being executed...
In that sense marketing is the process of exchanging valuable from one to there other ... We are on the same page right???... Now let's move on☺️.


now with the wonderful privilege we have today... The social media platform, a vast, unending, technological breakthrough to mankind, was created for interaction between human beings.... It has so much grown that you can even talk to strangers, carry out business transactions, have fun... And many other privileges... Well, I guess today I'd be talking about the business part,
I wouldn't want to bore you about endless talks on how business is being carried out on the social media...
BUT I would just brush on a few tips on how to boost your business on the social media😉.


Most business owners in the world today are moving with the trend... (Trend according to the topic), while some are still trying to catch up, while some ugh!!! They feel catching up is not a necessity...
Well, it's a new age we are in so I guess if you are behind the you are missing out...

  1. Pick your social media handles
  2. Complete your profile details and information
  3. Follow brands of the same Intrest as yours😉
  4. Monitor feedbacks from customers carefully, hashtags, follows etc..
  5. Build a Content strategy(just like business strategy)
  6. Create a content outline/ calendar
  7. Choose to be interactive
  8. Create a tone/ presence
  9. Promote your brand more than anyone else(most important)


in the world today there are different social media platforms...with different layouts and forms and as a brand owner it's best to pick out from the multirude of platforms out there today..
So... Let me help you with that...
First up is TWITTER yes! TWITTER do t be suprised as Twitter remains the best platform for hashtags!!!(very important... )
Nextup is our dearFACEBOOK although the Facebook algorithm has made things harder but Facebook is sure another great handle where you can use as a business handle...
Then we have INSTAGRAM THE GRAM as it is called is mostly based on pictures ideal for brands that have a lot to showcase.. for example a photographer... (You have a great edge over others on the gram... Use that advantage wisely)...
LINKEDIn yes! LINKEDIn can be used for business... Mostly when optimized!!!! It's great experience especially for those into the cooperate business world... That's your area of interaction... I guess I could call it the best...
Closely followed by pintrest, YouTube etc...


This is a part some brand owners skip, but it is however crucial, it's just like entering someone's house and not introducing yourself... It's seen as rude.. completing your profile involves, use of the simple tools given like bios, use of business names and urls, branding (i.e use of graphics pictures and illustrations if possible to depict what services your brand renders.


Yes, everything is not a competition even though it is🥵😂😂, when you are new to a place you need someone who is experienced to show you the ropes, you dont just go and delve into it without at least basic knowledge... It drives me back to my point☝️, so for instance let's say you are a coffee brand while you join the particular social media platform, the algorithm even helps out in bringing out related brands for you to follow, like , friend , which ever it is... Now the social media is not meant for you alone, you also need to be seeing rich content in order to grow your idea and decision making... So that's where they come in handy☺️...
Thank you y'all I guess it's more encouraging to understand the few tips of mine it's just an intro write-up...

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