Stories From Ancient Times 03: “Rewards depend on what you said ”

in hive-119463 •  3 years ago 

Hello friends, I hope you are doing well.


A long time ago in one of the Greek villages, two old women lived by the abundance of the forest, and all the inhabitants of the village knew each other well and knew even the grains of salt that were cooked in the pot of each one of them for lunch or dinner. Village market for some rice or wheat.
One day, she was doing her usual job, collecting firewood from the forest and selling it to the villagers for what she eats. She noticed that there was a large cave in the forest that she had never seen before, so she decided to take a closer look and discover what was inside. She saw twelve young men sitting in a circle as if they were arguing over a certain thing. They saw her. They invited her to sit with them, saying, “Go ahead, grandmother. You have come at a time when we need a wise person to judge between us in what we are in.”
She said quietly, what are my children arguing about?
One of them answered and said, “We are the twelve months of the year, and we were arguing about which month is the most beautiful, so would you solve the problem by choosing one of us?”
The old woman laughed and answered after a moment of silence, although you are different, you are all beautiful. The year begins in January and February, in which the earth is covered with a white suit that does not get bored and the one who looks at it does not tire, while March foretells the arrival of spring, and the April rains that shine on the branches of tall trees and feed the young trees, the spring utters His last breath comes out of May, then we feel the warmth and sunshine in June. While we spend the months of July and August reaping and storing the bounties of the fields until the September breeze arrives, ushering in the autumn season, we prepare the fields and plant them in October and November until the cold December embraces us, announcing that winter has begun.
The twelve young men were listening in silence and astonishment and did not notice that the old woman had finished her words until after a while, one of them replied, saying, Thank you very much, Grandmother. You have praised us all. Would you give us your scarf?
The old woman used to see them put things in her scarf, but she didn't know what it was but a few moments until they gave her the scarf and told her we were pleased to talk to you. The old woman returned to her home, and the weight of the scarf and the length of the road and its ruggedness had gained her. When she entered her house, he found the family gathered waiting for her, and everyone was looking at the scarf and wondering what was in it. The old woman unloaded her scarf over the small table, which was not enough to accommodate all the golden coins that were in the scarf. Everyone was very happy, and the life of suffering and hard work ended since that night.
It didn't take long for the villagers to notice that our old woman's condition had changed, and she was the first to ask her why she did not go out into the forest as usual. She is one of her neighbors and she told her the story of the cave and the twelve youths.
The neighbor decided to go to the cave the next day and actually found the young men in their place and they are still arguing about the same problem. The old woman approached, hoping that she would get what her neighbor got. When the young men saw her, they invited her to come closer and told her their story and wanted her to choose the most beautiful among them.
She thought for a while and said, “I don’t like all the months. The winter months are snowy and I can’t work in them, while the spring months are muddy and rainy, and the summer heat makes me very tired, and the autumn cold prevents me from going to the town for shopping.”
The young men looked at each other in astonishment and then asked her for her scarf, and she had brought a large scarf with her, which she gave to them, and she hopes that they will fill it with gold after a while.
They gave her back her scarf, its weight was unbearable. She had to go through the woods, to her house. Surprisingly, when she emptied her scarf, he found dirt instead of gold inside.
she went to her neighbor's house and angrily said that her advice paid her nothing but the trouble of moving a scarf full of dirt a long way through the woods to the house.
she asked her what she had told them, and she replied that she did not like any month and that she blamed them all.Here the old woman laughed and said, "You have been rewarded with what you said."

I can't be sure if it's honesty or lack of tact, but they are two good qualities that we must have and deal with those around us.
You can find a copy of this story in Folktales of Greece, edited by Georgios Megas.

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