Arm yourself with eggs and don't write to him. Don't see their last connection. DELETE THEIR CONTACT. If that person deleted him/her from your life, you can delete him/her from Whatsapp. Love yourself a little bit.EGG CAKES:
If you are connected on Facebook, don't delete her from there, just stop following him. In time, when you feel good, you are going to be able to see that she is a whole new person and a better version of you. Just like that.RANCHEROUS EGGS:
Don't grovel or look for his face. THEY'RE DONE. It's not a moment, it's not a time. It's goodbye. Learn, thank and move on. Don't beg for love.
Stop idealizing that person, he/she is not the love of your life, he/she was the love of your days, but nothing more. There will be someone who is worth everything and believe me, that person will not leave you. Stop thinking bullshit.
It will cost you, it will hurt, you will want to look for him or her all the time and do you know what you will lose? Your dignity. No. Look at yourself in a mirror, respect and love yourself, you ARE FOR MORE. Love yourself.COOKED EGGS:
Promise, swear and beg forgiveness to yourself.
At the time you enjoyed it and YA, but new things are coming, new stories.EGGS.
Stand up from where you are, get dressed up, get perfumed. SHINE. Shine to your own life as only you know and no one else.
That from a broken heart no one has died, only been transformed.