It was a beautiful, spring morning. The nearby hill was bathed in the fresh morning rays of the sun. Since I didn’t go to school that day, I took the path that led into the woods. I loved walking through nature.
The grass shone with a magical glow. I walked on it and felt the drops of dew remain on my bare feet. The intoxicating scent of wildflowers tickled my nostrils, and the spring breeze ruffled my hair. Somewhere in the depths of the forest, a stream could be heard gurgling merrily. His beautiful songs are mixed with the sweet and loud chirping of birds. The squirrels were playing on the branches of the trees, I also saw the mother squirrel with her young, they were so cute. Detlic hit the trunk of a thick tree harder and harder with his beak, as if cutting it, the sound was very strange. The deciduous trees that were in the forest have already got their colorful flowers. Nature woke up, all the animals woke up, and I woke up too. I loved the forest at this time of year, maybe more than anything. As I continued my walk, I came across a deer, which was very scared, but she soon realized that I would not hurt her and she approached me.
A very cuddly creature. Everything was unrealistically wonderful. But suddenly, the sun hid behind a large, black cloud. There is a very unpleasant darkness in the forest. The song of the birds fell silent. The roe deer fled to its lair, the stream roared louder and louder than the intensified wind. The storm was foreboding. It was already very late. I ran home. The first heavy drops of rain began to fall on the ground and on my head. I was not afraid for my animal friends, they have been living in the forest for a long time, they know how to cope And when a storm comes, I am sure of it. The branches that were swaying, bent to the ground from the strong pressure of the wind, and as if they wanted to close my way. The truth is, in the forest, with all the wonderful creatures, I certainly wouldn't be afraid.
Later, when I was already at home, I wrapped myself in a blanket and talked to my parents and told them how nature can be very kind to people, but also strong and strong, as in my example.