Hi! Everyone! This is my first Blog and I would like to share with you something that has been helping me a lot in these 3 years that I’ve been using it
Maybe, in recent years, has been much Heard this issue of the Law of Attraction, don’t panic, it’s nothing bad, on the contrary! It is something that we can control ourselves to get all that we a ver wanted, How that? What ever, maybe right now you are wondering how this is posible or probably noy are not belieiving in what I’m telling you, but it really Works and you can do the tests yourself
It shoud be emphasized, what do you whatn to manifest, Will not be overnight, maybe yes, but it Will be depend on how bis is the manifestation, an example, is not the same manifesting see a flower, to manifest $500 dollars, but remember this “Everything comes in time” That Phrase is true and more tan you can imagine, bur let’s start whit the really matters
How to manifest?
There are many methods for manifesting and I will be presenting to you in the next blogs, but let’s stars whit a very common and simple one to start “Scripting”, you Will need:
-A sheet of paper or notebook
-Pencil or pen
-Your Imagination
Good! Now in your notebook or in te sheet of paper, you are going to write what you want to manifest as if you already have it, how is it? You are going top ut what you want in the present tense and thanking the universe, god or whatever you believe in and the end putting hoy you feel with that, an example: if i wanted to manifest money, what I would put is something like this …
“Thank you universe for the abundance of money that i have right now, I feel very happy Beacuse I can pay my debts”
But you may be wondering where does imagination come into this? The key to writing your manifestation is to Visualize and not only Will you do it in this mothod, if not in everything you do, because visualization is for everyting, even if you master it you can manifest without following a method already done, you can créate your method, visualizing is a complex issue that not many can master it, dont worry if you dont succeed, i took about half a year or more to visualize and I still have problems doing it, so everything calmly, at other times I Will talk in Depth about how you can visualize “correctly”
For the moment this is the small introduction i can give you with this topic, I Will do more blogs explaining everithing else, Thank you very much for staying!
Hi! Everyone! This is my first Blog and I would like to share with you something that has been helping me a lot in these 3 years that I’ve been using it
Maybe, in recent years, has been much Heard this issue of the Law of Attraction, don’t panic, it’s nothing bad, on the contrary! It is something that we can control ourselves to get all that we a ver wanted, How that? What ever, maybe right now you are wondering how this is posible or probably noy are not belieiving in what I’m telling you, but it really Works and you can do the tests yourself
It shoud be emphasized, what do you whatn to manifest, Will not be overnight, maybe yes, but it Will be depend on how bis is the manifestation, an example, is not the same manifesting see a flower, to manifest $500 dollars, but remember this “Everything comes in time” That Phrase is true and more tan you can imagine, bur let’s start whit the really matters
How to manifest?
There are many methods for manifesting and I will be presenting to you in the next blogs, but let’s stars whit a very common and simple one to start “Scripting”, you Will need:
-A sheet of paper or notebook
-Pencil or pen
-Your Imagination
Good! Now in your notebook or in te sheet of paper, you are going to write what you want to manifest as if you already have it, how is it? You are going top ut what you want in the present tense and thanking the universe, god or whatever you believe in and the end putting hoy you feel with that, an example: if i wanted to manifest money, what i would put is something like this …
“Thank you universe for the abundance of money that i have right now, I feel very happy Beacuse i can pay my debts”
But you may be wondering where does imagination come into this? The key to writing your manifestation is to Visualize and not only Will you do it in this mothod, if not in everything you do, because visualization is for everyting, even if you master it you can manifest without following a method already done, you can créate your method, visualizing is a complex issue that not many can master it, dont worry if you dont succeed, i took about half a year or more to visualize and I still have problems doing it, so everything calmly, at other times I Will talk in Depth about how you can visualize “correctly”
For the moment this is the small introduction i can give you with this topic, I Will do more blogs explaining everithing else, Thank you very much for staying!
Hi! Everyone! This is my first Blog and I would like to share with you something that has been helping me a lot in these 3 years that I’ve been using it
Maybe, in recent years, has been much Heard this issue of the Law of Attraction, don’t panic, it’s nothing bad, on the contrary! It is something that we can control ourselves to get all that we a ver wanted, How that? What ever, maybe right now you are wondering how this is posible or probably noy are not belieiving in what I’m telling you, but it really Works and you can do the tests yourself
It shoud be emphasized, what do you whatn to manifest, Will not be overnight, maybe yes, but it Will be depend on how bis is the manifestation, an example, is not the same manifesting see a flower, to manifest $500 dollars, but remember this “Everything comes in time” That Phrase is true and more tan you can imagine, bur let’s start whit the really matters
How to manifest?
There are many methods for manifesting and I will be presenting to you in the next blogs, but let’s stars whit a very common and simple one to start “Scripting”, you Will need:
-A sheet of paper or notebook
-Pencil or pen
-Your Imagination
Good! Now in your notebook or in te sheet of paper, you are going to write what you want to manifest as if you already have it, how is it? You are going top ut what you want in the present tense and thanking the universe, god or whatever you believe in and the end putting hoy you feel with that, an example: if i wanted to manifest money, what i would put is something like this …
“Thank you universe for the abundance of money that i have right now, I feel very happy Beacuse i can pay my debts”
But you may be wondering where does imagination come into this? The key to writing your manifestation is to Visualize and not only Will you do it in this mothod, if not in everything you do, because visualization is for everyting, even if you master it you can manifest without following a method already done, you can créate your method, visualizing is a complex issue that not many can master it, dont worry if you dont succeed, i took about half a year or more to visualize and I still have problems doing it, so everything calmly, at other times I Will talk in Depth about how you can visualize “correctly”
For the moment this is the small introduction i can give you with this topic, I Will do more blogs explaining everithing else, Thank you very much for staying!
¡Hola a todos! Este es mi primer Blog y quisiera compartirles de algo que a mí me ha estado ayudando mucho en estos 3 años que he estado usándolo.
Puede ser que, en estos últimos años a lo mejor, ha sido muy escuchado este tema de la Ley de Atracción, no se asusten, no es nada malo ¡Al contrario! Es algo que nosotros mismos podremos controlar para obtener todo eso que hemos querido ¿Cómo cuáles? Lo que sea, puede que en estos momentos estes preguntando como es esto posible o probablemente no estés creyendo en lo que te digo, pero de verdad funciona y puedes hacer las pruebas tú mismo.
Cabe recalcar, lo que quieras manifestar, no va a ser de la noche de la mañana, puede que sí, pero dependerá de que tan grande es la manifestación, un ejemplo para que entiendas con lo de grande, no es lo mismo manifestar ver una flor, que manifestar $500 dólares, pero recuerda esto “Todo llega a su tiempo” Esa frase es verdad y más de lo que te imaginas, pero comencemos con lo que realmente importa
¿Cómo manifestar?
Métodos para manifestar existen muchos y te los iré presentando en los próximos blogs, pero empecemos con uno muy común y sencillo de hacer para empezar Scripting, necesitarás:
-Una Hoja o cuaderno
-Lápiz o bolígrafo
-Tu imaginación
¡Bien! Ahora, en tu cuaderno o en la hojita, vas a escribir lo que quieres Manifestar como si ya lo tuvieras ¿Cómo es esto? Vas a poner lo que quieres en tiempo presente y agradeciendo al universo, dios o en lo que tu creas y al final poniendo como te sientes con esa manifestación, un ejemplo: Si yo quisiera manifestar dinero, lo que yo pondría es algo así…
“Gracias Universo por la abundancia en dinero que tengo en estos momentos, me siento muy feliz por que ya puedo pagar mis deudas”
Pero te estarás preguntando ¿En dónde entra la imaginación en esto? La clave al momento de escribir tu manifestación es Visualizar y no solo lo harás en este método si no en todos lo que hagas, ya que la visualización es para todo, incluso si la dominas puedes manifestar sin necesidad de seguir un método ya hecho, puedes crear tu método, el visualizar es un tema algo complejo que no muchos pueden dominar a la primera, no te preocupes si no lo logras, yo tardé como medio año o más para poder visualizar y aun así sigo teniendo problemas al momento de hacerlo, así que todo con calma, en otros momentos te hablaré a profundidad de cómo puedes visualizar “correctamente”.
Por el momento esta es la pequeña introducción que te puedo dar con este tema, haré más blogs explicando todo lo demás ¡muchas gracias por quedarse!