What is the fifth generation technology (5g)? How will the generation will lead the world of e-commerce?

in hive-119463 •  last month 


20 years ago, cellular technology was a pipe dream, but it was now a reality, and although it was quite large and expensive; However, it has helped us a lot, providing a level of communication that did not exist before.

Year after year, we found this technology in continuous progress until it reached the fifth generation technology (5G). This technology helped the world of e-commerce a lot, but some of us may wonder: What is the fifth generation (5G) technology? How will you lead the generation in the world of e-commerce? This is what we will all know in this article; So follow along with us.

Definition of fifth generation technology (5G)

The 5G network is a virtual network that takes advantage of cloud technologies. This technology refers to the fifth generation of mobile networks, and it works to provide a new type of network that can connect everything, such as: devices and machines, and also almost everyone.

5G technology has become a software-driven global wireless standard that provides users with low latency, with speeds ranging between 10 and 60 Gbps, huge network capacity, higher data speeds, increased availability and reliability, and a more consistent experience. The theoretical peak speed of 4G technology is only 1 Gbps, while in 5G technology it is 20 Gbps.

Notably, it takes connectivity to the next level by delivering connected experiences from the cloud to users; Which greatly helps e-commerce owners and various projects.

The impact of this technology on the development of the world of e-commerce

5G technology is the greatest success we have achieved at the present time, as more than 90% of e-commerce owners have greatly benefited from 5G technology and it has affected their trade positively, as artificial intelligence and augmented reality will unleash their true potential, in addition to the possibility of shopping via The Internet instead of going to the store and consuming time and effort, and the customer checks your product from several different angles using three-dimensional interfaces; This increases your e-commerce opportunities, as well as helping retailers provide their customers with a more comprehensive experience through high bandwidth. The impact of this technology on the development of the e-commerce world lies in the following:

  1. Real-time analytics

5G technology helps e-commerce owners optimize marketing campaigns by accessing analytics more quickly than before, through marketing automation and artificial intelligence, as it works on faster data communication between devices.

  1. Personalization

If you are an online store owner and want to know more about your customers; This is likely to take some time, but this does not happen with fifth generation technology, as with wireless Internet and high-speed communications you will be able to improve data collection, and you will obtain a huge amount; As a result of constant contact; Personalized experiences are made possible by integrating analytics and detailed customer data today.

  1. Improved experiences

We can see digital ads in more than one area at once using 5G technology, and also improve media and visual elements. Which contributes to providing a consistent and easy experience for customers. It is worth noting that 64% of customers would like to have a virtual shopping assistant that combines artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Which makes the customer experience more enjoyable and effective.

  1. Easy communication and data acquisition

We can collect the largest possible number of data through 5G technology by using many connected devices in the Internet of Things, such as: sensors located on every surface, such as sidewalks, roads, and factory floors, as well as refrigerators and cars. We can also now track and analyze data that we could not access before. and processing; So that we gain insights into consumer preferences, desires, habits, and also needs, and if you are an online store owner, you can create relevant content for the potential customer, and make improvements to marketing campaigns; This makes the purchasing experience easier and smoother than before.

  1. Increase speed

The online store owner needs high speeds in order to segment customer data. In order to ensure the entry and access of many customers to his store, he will find this with the fifth generation technology, as it allows data processing and communication faster than before, and we all know that video spreads faster in digital marketing; So this technology will push video marketing to completely different heights than before.

  1. There is plenty of room for growth

Our innovative spaces are improving and expanding due to the presence of 5G technology. Case in point: Apple released the 5G iPhones; Therefore, if you are an online store owner, you should consider using 5G technology on your products, even if it requires you to cooperate with experts familiar with this technology. So that you can compete with your peers who own online stores.

  1. Understanding customer needs

A huge amount of data will be generated when devices are connected to 5G technology. If you are an online store owner, this data will help you understand exactly what your customers want. You can also create a customized advertisement. So you can engage with customers with advanced, accurate store-based advertising at the time and place that's right for you.

  1. Very rich content

It is common to have static images within most product pages for e-commerce projects and companies; Because it consumes less data on the Internet, but with the presence of 5G technology, you will no longer face a problem, as you can put ultra-rich content and more videos without the Internet speed being a limitation for you.

  1. Better customer service

The fifth generation technology, or what is known as 5G, will provide the best customer experience, by: improving the problem of call quality, in addition to effective communication between electronic store owners and customers on various communication platforms. It is worth noting that it is possible to use data that is derived from these systems; In order to improve the client's outcome; Customers will love this, and they will have a unique experience that they have not found in other stores before.

We all know that e-commerce companies are not limited to buying and selling products only, but have become much more than that, as they have become an integral part of our lifestyle, and are now used to view and purchase products at any time and place, and you do not need to leave your home in order to do so.

  1. Video ads are on the rise

Video ads have become the most popular type of content today on the Internet after the presence of 5G technology, as this technology has reduced caching and page loading times. By 2022, video ads will constitute approximately 82% of total web traffic, and they will be the The primary and main driver of digital video advertising revenue growth, and it is worth noting that with the presence of fifth generation technology; Customers will be able to watch product videos instead of still images, all in record time, but e-commerce owners will need to use 5G technology in order to create unparalleled video content.

  1. Enhanced mobile commerce

Mobile phone sales reached 73% of total sales, and the percentage of e-commerce sales reached $3.56 trillion via mobile phone. This means that three out of every four dollars spent on purchases from electronic stores come from the mobile phone, and with the fifth generation technology, it will improve. Reliability for customers, as this technology provides low latency, and also faster internet speed; Which works to enhance e-commerce movement.

In conclusion... Dear reader, after you learned what 5G technology is, and how it will lead the generation in the world of e-commerce, you should know that 5G technology is like other technological developments that need to keep pace, and it is preferable to use it if you want your online store to reach To the forefront and keep pace with other global e-stores, where with 5G customers can obtain a seamless experience during the shopping process; Which will increase your sales in the future, as the e-commerce process awaits unparalleled growth after using fifth generation technology, and the customer base will also grow. This will make revenues grow, and this technology will bring a profitable situation to all companies that use it during the trade process.

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