CONTEST: Sea or mountain? I live by the sea

in hive-119812 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Hello! And I decided to tell you about the Sea of ​​Azov ... This is Ukraine, the city of Mariupol.
According to the terms of the competition, I indicate the nicknames of the community administrators: @belenguerra, @worldgeography

I like to travel. I was in the Crimea, I admired Medvel Mountain, in the Caucasus I wrote poems about the Mountain Ring ... But, if you answer the question, I will answer unequivocally: I love the sea!
Why the sea? Because I was born on the shores of the Azov Sea. And I became a poet only thanks to this special sea air.


I remember how, while resting at the Zhemchuzhina boarding house with my parents, I wrote these lines:
Violets whisper with the breeze
Birds chirp in the sky
The sea is turning blue outside the window
The sun plays in the palm of your hand!
You lie crucified in the sand
Worldly putting aside worries ...
Only the sun in the distance
Fires from the solar bunker!
Fires on target, barely breathing!
The whole body has become a hot captivity!
And the soul is separated
To communicate with the universe!
There is no more peace, no more vanity ...

When the soul decides to return
You come out of nothingness
And you rush into the sea to plunge!
You will never forget
The communion of the cool southern waters ...
After all, there is water in the body
Breathes life and happiness again!

And this poem "Morning by the Sea":
Morning …
Summer insomnia
And from the evening heat
not cooled down
Like a crumpled sheet
In the raindrops above the wave

Surf outside
As if lined with foam
Very lively and
the present!
And deep in mother-of-pearl


Left the sky
Cleverly fused with the wave
And turned into a splinter
Sobbed something about life


As if hung on a coastal
Suddenly he got off the ground ...
and into the sea ...
In the moaning waves, in the salty
major -
Someone dives into the sky
then at sea ...


In the photo, my granddaughter Anya is relaxing by the sea After whooping cough, doctors prescribed sea air for her. And she recovered. The sea saved her.
Our sea is shallow, it is just for such little children. The water in the shallow warms up well, there is a lot of iodine in the water, the wounds heal instantly.


Hello, native city, my brooding land,
All in the rays of gold - mischievous and spring!
Factory horns, outgoing tram
The noise of the Azov wave and my mood!
And around turquoise, like a thoughtful look,
Like my smile for casual passers-by,
Someone in the sky grazes blue deer
And they are like me in mood!
Vorobyov pereshist - declaration of love,
Seagulls a pitiful cry, like the song of a zarbird!

Dear Mariupol, blossom and live!
How lucky I am to be born here by the sea!

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I was with you - Olga Zarya

Thanks a lot for your support!
Большое спасибо за поддержку

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Клааассссс, мооорюшкоооо)

Спасибо, Олеся милая! Благодаря тебе я выставила этот пост! Вдохновилась!) Ничего, что я перевод не сделала? Там в условиях есть об этом? Я же не читала их...И Вале позвонила Тиночке, она тоже выставит свой сегодня! Ты у нас рулевой! Сообщай, что где, когда...СПАСИБО!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Там можно на любом языке, главное от их сообщества и фото чтобы свои, ну то есть сделаны вами.

Всё ясно. СПАСИБО!

Ой, я забыла. Там ещё нужно под фото поставить геолокацию. Не знаю как показать чтобы вы сделали"код геолокации"(((.

Thank you very much for your beautiful post, my friend!!

And thank you for the interesting competition, my dear friend!

Thanks to you!!