Angry wife

in hive-119845 •  5 years ago 

Seeing Lima's grinning grin, I am eating beat. It seems like the grin is spouting direct. I am looking.

I got a handle on Lima again to get up.

Lima: It's been quite a while since this occurred.

Me: So what happened .. ??

Lima: What occurred? What amount will it stay thusly?

Me: As long as I need.

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Lima: Listen, leave Faizlami, leave quickly, today you and I will get back. I don't feel unprecedented here any more.

Me: Why? Everybody is here at any rate it doesn't feel exceptional .. ??

Lima: Hmm, I don't feel well. Leave now.

Me: I was unable to mind less to survey ,,,,

Lima: Tell me at this moment, will you leave .. ??

Me: I'm leaving. In the event that I see the cerebrum, I won't live. One day I will break your mind.


Me: Sorry, it was an oversight

Leave Lima and race to the washroom. In such a case, that I was in the room, a hurricane would blow over me. You would see every one of them and play Prestige's twelve.

I went to the room new. Lima went to be new. After Lima came new, I went to my dad and mom.

Me: Mom, will you come here a little .. ??

Mother: Say really,

Me: Lima needs to get back.

Mother: Will you go today .. ??

Lima: Yeah Al that sounds dazzling poop to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

Me: Mom, on the off chance that she was unable to think about it here, take her home.

Mother: Well, I'm showing your uncle.

Me: OK ,,,,

We as a whole in totally eaten together. While eating, my mom told my uncle and auntie. They incited me to eat.

It is by and by 9 o'clock and it is past the last defining moment for early night.

The vehicle I brought from Lima is still here. I told my dad and mom and took the vehicle out. I likewise asked concerning whether there is any park close by.

He said it will be 3 to 4 km. He showed me the way so I got out. Lima and I are in the vehicle. I am not driving at a quick.

Light air is navigating the window. Lima's hair is flying. Simultaneously, the flying creatures of my cerebrum need to fly in the blue sky.

Lima: Hey, hello there, OK state you will have a mishap?

Me: What's the spot ,,,,

Lima: Where did you get lost?

Me: truth be told, you look unfathomably incredible today. So I was lost in your contemplations.

Lima: You shouldn't lose all capacity to peruse a compass in such a basic number of assessments while driving. In any case life will change into an idea.

Me: Hmm.

I continued driving without saying another word. I at long last appeared at that park. I left the vehicle and headed inside. The earth there isn't superb, considering the way that it will by and large be found two by two.

Lima and I sat on a seat in a quiet spot.

Me: the earth is especially dazzling, isn't it, Lima ... ??

Lima: Hmm, it looks mind blowing.

Me: Eat something .. ??

Lima: Well, take the nuts. Them two contribute essentialness biting the nuts together ,,,,,,

Me: Do you like nuts .. ??

Lima: Hmm, sure. Severe dislike it ...?

Me: Hey, I'm focused on nuts.

Lima: Hihihihi ,,,,

Me: From now on you are focused on nuts.

Lima: No.

Me: Why .. ??

Lima: Almonds are insane. Why? I need you to be insane .. ??

Me: You're insane, I'm mine ,,,, (I pulled my cheek)

Lima: Hmm.

I hadn't the faintest thought when it was early night. So I went to my uncle's home once more.

In the wake of showing up, Lima and I went out to bid farewell to everybody. I was driving in my brain. All of a sudden I took a gander at Lima and saw that I was weakened.

Me: Lima ..? Upset .. ??

Lima: Where right?

Me: Then for what reason are you sitting like that .. ??

Lima: I don't deduce that.

Me: Well come to me.

Lima came to me and put his head on my shoulder. I feel stunning. In the event that my dear individuals are close by, perhaps my cerebrum will be new.

Lima is resting. It looks incredibly superb. I need to quit driving and take a gander at him ,,,

He needs to connect with her cheek cautiously. Put forth an attempt not to remain. I can't see Lima's resting face any more.

Lima woke up after around 2 hours. I took a gander at Lima and grinned. Lima likely won't have discovered the explanation behind my giggling. So she is taking a gander at me with her head on her shoulder. I am getting some good ways from her. He is looking again when he looks. Plus, he is grinning like he is suspecting in his cerebrum. He is besides feeling embarrassed once more.

It's difficult to hold down my grin when I see Lima's trunk. I'm so far quiet ,,,

After an outing of around 3 hours we appeared at our home.

Resulting to going into the house, Lima and I went to our room together. I feel tired. Right when I go to the washroom to clean up,

Lima: I'll go to the washroom before this.

Me: I'm going to stop on the off chance that you can ,,,,

Lima got my hand. I got a handle on him.

Me: Release my hand. Else I will eat your lipstick.

Lima: 6

Me: Really. Leave your hand or eat lipstick. Which one should I do .. ??

Lima: None.

Me: Okay by then we should both clean up together.

Lima: No .........! In no way, shape or form at all,

Me: I can do it, hold up ,,,,,

I took Lima in my lap and went to the washroom. I ate a couple of meals of Lima. What's more, misuse is free ,,,,,

Lima: Dog Devil Leave Me ,,,,

Me: No way ,,,,

Lima: Kharuch, Khabish, Khatash, Bandar,

Me: Something else,

Lima: Cockroaches, broken felines, foxes with thistles on their tails. Every one of you.

Me: Hahaha I'm leaving ,,,,,,

By then ..........

You don't need to meet in the washroom any more.

Resulting to coming out of the restroom new ,,,,

Lima: I won't remain here any more.

Me: Why what happened .. ??

Lima: What have you done to urge me? What is the smell in your mouth?

Me: There was a smell in your mouth huh. Take the necessary steps not to brush your teeth. I confide in it's been three months.

Lima: Dog, I don't brush.

Me: Hmm unmistakably.

Lima: But I don't have the foggiest idea how to direct you today.

Lima is hustling to get me. I'm running. Lima has exasperated the room. Cushion cotton is any place all through the room.

At a certain point Lima was exhausted.

I: Sorry ,,,,

Lima: Huh. Why. ??

Me: I used you so much ,,,,

Lima: No need ,,,,,

Me: All right. Will I cook today or will I bring food from outside?

Lima: I won't eat. Swallow on the off chance that you need.

Me: Well, we should both go out and eat.

Lima: I showed you not to eat ,,,,

Me: You need to eat, we should go.

Lima: I urged you not to detonate.

Me: I need to see your failure ,,, we ought to go ,,,

I compellingly hauled Lima out. I called a truck.

Me: Get up,

Lima: You get up, I won't get up ,,,

Me: OK fine ,,,,,

Pushing Lima, I bounced on the truck and went to the bistro. I referenced food. Lima is as of not long ago sitting with swollen cheeks. Behind me I see a few youths sitting at the table and drinking espresso. I told the most stunning youth ,,,,

I: Excuse me ,,,

Sundari: Hmm state.

Me: I mean I know your name ,,,,

Sundari: Why.?

Me: Say no issue, I needn't waste time with a telephone number. Acknowledge we are partners for the present.

Sundari: Oh well. My name is Nishi.

Me: Wow OK name ..

Nishi: What is your name?

Me: My name is Life.

Nishi: You in like way have an extraordinary name.

Me: Hmm. Considering, I can get the telephone number. I don't mean as a companion.

Lima: I have driven forward through your aching for quite a while. Moreover, no. On the off chance that you don't go to my side now, I will butcher you, yet ,,,,,,

Me: You're not talking with me ,,,,

Lima: Tell me, will you come .. ??

Me: OK ,,,,

I kept on sitting close to Lima. I was eye to eye as of now. Lima said in my ear ,,,,,

"It's ideal to take part in sexual relations with youths, isn't it .. ??"

Moreover, the press is cutting uproariously. I can't holler, I can't stop him. What may I have the alternative to do? I am eating prudently to spare my respect and I am driving forward through the press.

I completed my dinner immediately, made sure about my tabs and took a truck home.

Lima is pulling me by the neck zone of my shirt. I opened the lock of the house with the key and headed inside.

Lima paying little mind to everything got the neck zone and pulled up to our room.

Me: Leave just me.

Lima: Why leave ... ??

Me: You mean, similar to, saltines and their sort, eh?

Lima: I'll tie it if critical.

Me: Why. ??

Lima: Why all the solicitations .. ??

Me: If I don't reply, by what means will I handle .. ??

Lima: You don't need to see so much. Keep on cleaning up.

Me: OK.

I came new, Lima came new and put on the night dress.

Lima: What are you taking a gander at .. ??

Me: Where is nothing ,,,,

Lima: Hmm, astounding. Put forth an attempt not to rests.

Lima and I went to rest together. Lima set apart on to Facebook with her telephone ,,,, I likewise set apart in.

Me: Hello, for what reason would you say you are on Facebook so late around evening time?

Lima: What do you do on Facebook? Plainly to luchugiri with youths ,,,,,

Me: Then you should be coming to Facebook to entice the youths too ,,,,

Lima: What did you say hound ​​.. ??

Me: Why I said it to the degree what you said.

Lima: I'm playing with you ,,,,,,

Lima dropped the telephone and hopped on me.

Lima: That ball, you please Facebook to draw ,,,,

Me: Never ,,,,,

Lima: All deceptions. I know you how you are.

Me: Oh well by then postponement. You need to show my character too ,,,,

I tossed Lima on the bed and began kissing her. Lima is making a decent undertaking to free herself. In any case, she can't. At a certain point I let her go. Lima is amazingly famous with her fingers. I took Lima over my chest.

Lima: Let's not go to the rooft

Author -> Jibon

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